Wang Chengkun quit, and a dozen young people quit one after another, because their family living conditions were not good, and there were few people in the family to earn work points. It would cost some money to go to college, and they had to come back after graduation, which was a double loss.

Most of the twenty or so people left were educated youths, including Zheng Huihui.

Even if there are only eight people competing in the Wanglou Brigade, Wang Zhengguo cannot give the quota to the educated youth, because this is the Wanglou Brigade, and the interests of the Wanglou Brigade must be taken into consideration first.

It would be easy to choose two out of eight people, and the person who would go to school was quickly determined.

One is named Lu Fei, the great-grandson of Grandpa Lu San, and the other is named Wang Chengying, a descendant of the Wang family. Both children have high school education, so they don’t have to worry about not being able to understand the classes when they get to college.

There is only one quota for educated youth, and it is easier to choose. Whoever is popular will be chosen by everyone.

"Zheng Huihui!" Wang Zhengguo announced the result. She had the highest number of votes.

Zheng Huihui jumped up with joy, grabbing Zhou Zhou next to her, "It's me, it's me, it's me, Zhou Zhou, I can go to college, I can go to college again."

"Congratulations, Huihui." Zhou Zhou said sincerely.

Zheng Huihui was smiling brightly, but the faces of the other educated youths were not so good-looking, especially Wang Huan, who had always been at odds with Zhou Zhou. His face was gloomy, as if lightning and thunder were about to happen.

Zheng Huihui didn't care. For her, going to school was the most important thing.

"Captain, captain, there are three places in the university, which one should I go to?" She really wanted to go to Capital University, which was once her dream, but was stifled by the situation and had to go to the mountains and countryside.

Wang Zhengguo said: "Draw lots, each of you will draw one, and you will go to whichever school you catch."

Draw lots?

Drawing lots is good and fair.

After Wang Zhengguo finished writing the note, rolled it into a ball and put it on the table, Zheng Huihui grabbed one first, and after opening it, she was so surprised that she almost cried, "Capital University, Capital University, I can go to Capital University!"

She went to Capital University, Wang Chengning went to a junior college in mechanical manufacturing, and Lu Fei went to Huaihai Mining University.

Fair and just, everyone will be convinced.

Zheng Huihui pulled Zhou Zhou up and down, "I can go back to the capital, I can go back to the capital. I especially want to see my good friends and my selfish eldest sister. She must have a very pretty face." My aunt sent me two packages of brown sugar. I don’t know how she found out about it, so she whispered to my mother and asked my aunt for the brown sugar and wouldn’t let her send it to me.”

Zhou Zhou was also very happy, "Hui Hui, go to school, help me visit my grandma and Grandpa Hong, and help me bring them the clothes and shoes I made for them."

"Don't worry, don't worry, don't worry! I will definitely do it for you!"

Huaihai City is relatively far from the capital. Zheng Huihui set out on August 10th, but Long Live Army was different. It started preparations in the latter half of the year. Ping Zhengkai left and new guard Guo Hongfei arrived.

Feng Qingxue treated him just like Ping Zhengkai, and Guo Hongfei felt relieved.

At this time, Luo Zhonghua came and slapped a document in front of Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue, "It was sent from the capital, giving Comrade Qingxue a place to go to university, and it was from the Spanish Department of Capital University. Prepare it as soon as possible. Get to the capital before signing up.”

Feng Qingxue's eyes widened in surprise, "Mine? Where did the quota come from? No, no, I can't take up the quota in the army."

Luo Zhonghua smiled slightly, "The old leader invited you to go to school. It does not occupy the quota in the army."

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