Upon hearing that it was the old leader's special approval, several young soldiers rubbed their heads and laughed.

Slowly, more and more people came to report.

Feng Qingxue looked at it, then walked to the shade of the tree to make way for others, and observed quietly for a moment. No matter how you look at it, it seems that there are more than 10,000 people who came to report. She asked Ping Zhengkai in a low voice: "This year How many students have been recruited in total? Have you asked?"

"We've asked about it!" People from the army all follow the principle of knowing yourself and your enemy. Ping Zhengkai replied: "We found out that there are more than 2,000 students in this class. Our school has more than 1,600 students in the main campus and several hundred in the branch. , most departments have enrolled students, but some have not enrolled students, among which military students are mainly in the foreign language department.”

"What's the reason? Why are they all arranged in the foreign language department?" Feng Qingxue felt strange.

"I know this." Nie Jianguo raised his hand, "This is to popularize foreign language propaganda in the army and train intelligence personnel. If we soldiers don't understand foreign languages, how can we engage in foreign intelligence?"

Ping Zhengkai nodded, "Not only in the Spanish Department, but also in the Eastern Language Department and the Russian Department, 90% of the students are our military students."

Feng Qingxue suddenly realized.

Although she lives in a military compound, she is not in the military. The different types of soldiers mean that her understanding is limited.

The staff responsible for greeting the students were all from the Workers' Propaganda Team and the Military Propaganda Team. Seeing this scene and hearing their previous conversation, they couldn't help but look at each other. It seemed that they were completely unaware of Feng Qingxue, who had been specially approved by the old leader to enroll. It is extraordinary that the workers, peasants and soldiers are actually revolutionary comrades-in-arms of the commander of the Long Live Army.

A young female soldier from the military propaganda team whispered: "I heard that Comrade Feng Qingxue was once a medical soldier and achieved first-class merit. Later, she retired due to illness. The old leader also intended for her to return to the team as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, she did not return to the team. Come to school instead.”

The young female soldier next to her was stunned, "Is this Feng Qingxue that Feng Qingxue? I never expected it."

At first, many people thought they had the same name.

The military propaganda team is affiliated with the two troops stationed in the capital. The military area communicates with each other, and the news is naturally well-informed.

No one spoke after a while. After a while, someone finally spoke and whispered: "After the meeting, we will arrange for students to clean up and give Comrade Qingxue a light job. It is not unfair, but Comrade Qingxue was discharged from the army due to illness. His health It’s definitely not completely healed, we have to take care of the frail and sick comrades.”

Others nodded, "Don't worry, don't worry, we all understand."

Due to all kinds of damage in the past few years, Capital University is full of shabby scenes, with piles of garbage, flies and mosquitoes buzzing around, tattered doors and windows, and not a single podium or blackboard in order.

Therefore, the first task of Feng Qingxue's group of students after enrolling is to clean up!

This task is the responsibility of the Work Propaganda Team and the Military Propaganda Team, and all the students reporting on it are organized into squads, platoons, and companies according to the military system. Squad leaders are served by students. Some platoon leaders are students and some are faculty members, but all company commanders are They were all from the Work Propaganda Team and the Military Propaganda Team. The company commander in charge of Feng Qingxue's company was Zhou Haiyan, the female soldier who said she would arrange light work for Feng Qingxue.

Zhou Haiyan arranged for Feng Qingxue to sweep the floor, wipe the blackboard, repair doors and windows, and transport garbage to the male soldiers in the company. Of course, there are also some female soldiers who claim to be equal to men and women. They work on the front line and are very busy.

. . I was furious while checking information, but I caught a cold again when I got up early. I quickly added some water to avoid having to hang up for a long time. I will continue to update in the evening, around nine o'clock.

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