Xibao nodded, "Grandpa said the same. The moon waxes and wanes, and people have their joys and sorrows. But I'm still sad. Grandpa Xia and Grandpa Chen are very kind to me. They give me all the delicious food sent to them by others." After eating, he told me many stories.”

At this point, he frowned.

Feng Qingxue gently touched the top of his head with one hand, "Grandpas are not far away. Trains and planes are so convenient. When you grow up, you can go to them. I believe they will welcome you."

Xibao is everyone’s happy fruit!

Among the letters exchanged between the elderly people at home and her, aside from the advice on her homework, the rest of the pages belong to Xibao, and her affection is all between the lines. Even most of the paintings of several elderly people have Xibao's figure.

Although he is no longer the little Xibao, the big Xibao is still lovable.

Xibao grinned, "Grandpa Xia and Grandpa Chen told me to go to Shanghai to play when I have free time. They treated me to fried steamed buns and cream cakes, and took me to visit department stores."

"Uncle Xia and Uncle Chen returned to their original posts?" Feng Qingxue looked at her husband.

Lu Jiang put the food on the plate and hummed, "The second elder is the most suitable candidate. I made this suggestion and it was quickly approved. Our operation is so smooth, and the second elder deserves a lot of credit."

Although, without him and the two elders, the country quickly put down the rebellion, it reduced a lot of losses in this life.

Feng Qingxue suddenly realized it and figured out the joint. She laughed softly and said: "It turns out that it is your credit that they can go back. Great hero, I will make your favorite braised pork tonight to comfort you."

"I also like to eat big meat!" Xibao raised his hand high.

"Eat them all, eat them all. Of course, we must express our condolences to Xibao, the little hero who takes the place of his parents and serves his grandparents at home. Your father asked for a large piece of pork belly and a large piece of pork ribs from the supply department." Lu Jiang is of high rank, so this The supply department will not be disrespectful if you ask for it, and the old leader and Wang Xinsheng are present to share it from their shares.

As soon as the food was cooked and placed on the big table, Lu Tianjun and Jiang Xiaoyue arrived.

"We are so lucky!" Jiang Xiaoyue smelled the aroma of the food at the door and came in with a smile. When she saw Lu's father and Xibao came into view, she couldn't take care of the table full of food, "Grandpa, Xibao, you guys When did you come?"

She screamed happily and wanted to rush over to hug Xibao.

Lu Tianjun grabbed her hand and said, "Slow down, you are not alone now, you can't be so lively."

Not alone?

Everyone looked at each other in surprise and surprise.

Feng Qingxue was the first to react, "Xiaoyue, are you pregnant?"

She put down the bowl and chopsticks, took Jiang Xiaoyue's hand and felt her pulse for a moment, "It's been three months, why haven't I heard you mention it?"

The couple are both soldiers, so they don't come often, but it's not like they haven't met each other. The last time they met was at the beginning of September, barely a month ago. I was negligent and didn't think of checking Jiang Xiaoyue's pulse.

Thinking of this, Feng Qingxue couldn't help but pat her forehead.

Jiang Xiaoyue didn't show any pretense and said cheerfully: "It's not too late now that I know. Auntie, didn't you say you wouldn't tell anyone in the first three months? We won't tell anyone anymore. Please bear with me for three months and give me to her now." I’m so suffocated, I’ll come over with Tian Juan when I have time to tell you, I just didn’t expect grandpa and Xibao to come, it’s really a double blessing.”

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