Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1455 Sisters’ heart-to-heart talk 3

For a moment, Feng Qingyun didn't know where to start.

She struggled for a moment, "Sister, what do you want me to say? Comrade Wu Zhanpeng is pursuing me, but I didn't agree to his pursuit. I'm not one of those silly girls who would lose me when I see a gay man with good looks and bearing. A beautiful heart doesn’t care whether someone has a family or whether their character is flawed.”

"Are you kidding Wenxiu?" Feng Qingxue said with a straight face.

"No, no!" Feng Qingyun quickly waved her hand, "Wenxiu is not stupid. How smart is Wenxiu? She is a rare smart person in the art troupe. Although she and Guan Cheng fell in love with each other the first time they met, they later got together. But it's because we understand each other, just like what you said by chance, sister, it starts with appearance, respect for talent, personality, kindness, and loyalty to character. In Guancheng's words, they start. It’s love at first sight and love at second sight.”

Feng Qingxue nodded slightly, "What about you? What's going on?"

Feng Qingyun put her chin on her sister's shoulder and said distressedly: "I'm still young, sister. The more I study, the more clearly I see my shortcomings. I need more time to study. I'm working hard and want to When I became a disciple of Teacher Jiang, how could I think about all the romance? My sister was very good and was still studying tirelessly, studying under countless famous teachers. Of course I wanted to study like my sister, Comrade Wu Zhanpeng, and I wanted to pursue her. Do you have to agree? There is no such thing as this in the world!”

Feng Qingyun said it confidently.

Seeing her like this, Feng Qingxue smiled instead and straightened the messy hair on her temples, "I'm very happy that you think so and work so hard, because you are still young. If you decide your life's major events at this age, , I will be worried that you will regret your youth and frivolity in the future. Marriage is not a trivial matter and should not be decided in a hurry. "

She then told her sister Wu Zhanpeng's family situation in detail, "Don't worry about anything else, just worry about his mother. Even if you accept his pursuit, I have to persuade you to calm down before making a decision."

Feng Qingyun opened her mouth wide, "Wu Zhanpeng's mother is so arrogant? Xiaoyue didn't tell me."

"Xiaoyue is young and has been in the army since she was a teenager. She definitely doesn't know enough about Comrade Wu Sheng's family affairs. At least it is impossible for her to have a clear understanding of the temperament of everyone in Comrade Wu Sheng's family. She will not be in contact with him for a long time. Comrade Du Juan, you just have to be aware of this matter, and you didn’t agree to Comrade Wu Zhanpeng’s pursuit anyway.”

"I didn't agree, but Wu Zhanpeng said he would not give up."

After listening to her sister's words, Feng Qingxue said directly: "Whether it is love or marriage, only wishful thinking can lead to happiness. Wishful thinking is forcing, and forcing will not lead to happiness. Our family is an ordinary family and cannot afford to be robbed by force. . If Wu Zhanpeng comes to bother you again, you should ask him to come to me. I am your elder sister, like a mother. Sooner or later, you have to get through this."

Feng Qingyun nodded vigorously. She liked her sister's meticulous care for her. If her brother-in-law hadn't knocked on the door soon and asked if they had finished talking, she would have really wanted to lie in the same bed with her sister and continue whispering.

Seeing her brother-in-law watching eagerly at the door, she had no choice but to go to the east wing to sleep with Fubao and Dundun.

Lu's father and Xibao took Zhuangzhuang, Lu Erxiong followed Wang Cuilan, and several guards slept in the study. Lu Jiang and his wife rarely had a short world for two, with endless beautiful scenery.

Lu Jiang was still unfinished and didn't want to get up early, but there was a heavy knock on the door.

. . I added three chapters, and I got 13,000 today. I have tickets for the game, and monthly tickets are recommended. I have the nerve to buy tickets after the update is completed.

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