Dundun put his two little hands on his knees, tilted his head, and flashed his big eyes, "Can you grant me any wish?"

"Yes, if dad doesn't agree to it, mom will satisfy you." Feng Qingxue replied proudly. Compared to Lu Erxiong who always had weird requests, Dundun was much cuter, so cute that it made people feel bad.

"I want to go boating." Dundun said honestly, "I still want to go boating."

He is the elder brother, so don't hate Lu Erxiong. Yesterday, Lu Erxiong gave himself a big bite of his favorite red date cake.

"I want to go boating too!" Lu Erxiong said loudly.

Feng Qingxue agreed, "Okay, dad is not at home, mom and grandparents will take you boating."

"Wow!" The triplets happily held hands and turned around in circles, cheering: "Let's go rowing, let's go rowing!"

The adults all wanted to laugh when they saw it. Although Lu Erxiong was the funniest and Zhuangzhuang was the most heart-wrenching, in terms of intelligence, neither Zhuangzhuang nor Erxiong could compare to Dundun. He just didn't open his mouth. He knew it, he had never suffered a loss since he was a child.

Lu Jiang is often away from home, so after he leaves, the house is still lively.

And what about Lu Jiang? Lingding sat alone in the car, thinking about his wife and children. He didn't know if the children were angry. With this thought, he went all the way to the headquarters in Xishan Courtyard, where Commander Xu, Deputy Commander Wang, Chief of Staff Shen, and Political Commissar Li were all present. The senior generals who were higher than him were all eating, and there were Jiang Yun and others beside them. The lowest ranking one was the army commander.

A large group of people saw him and hurriedly invited him to eat together.

Breakfast should have been prepared for him, and Commander Xu's guards quickly brought it to him.

After saluting one by one, Lu Jiang sat down politely, picked up the bowl and ate. He couldn't steal the food his wife brought for him in the car. He was so hungry now that he couldn't help but eat a cow.

"Comrade Commander, why are you looking for me so early in the morning? I'm on vacation."

"So what if you're on vacation? It's not like you're not used to emergencies in the army." Commander Xu didn't want to be fooled by Lu Jiang's pity, "But your family really needs to find another place to live, let alone if it's far away. There is no telephone or motor in that shabby yard, so if there is any major incident, it is not easy to contact you, so you have to send someone directly. "

Lu Jiang didn't even raise his head, "That yard is nice. It's more convenient for my wife to go to school."

"Huh? Hasn't Xibao's mother graduated yet?" Commander Xu thought of some military trainees in the Xishan compound. Most of them had graduated within a year and had returned to their posts. He didn't pay attention to Feng Qingxue's situation.

"No, she studied French and English, and also studied in medical school for two years."

"Oh, I've learned quite a lot. It's good to have the opportunity to study. You'll learn as long as you live!" After Commander Xu finished speaking, he turned back to the topic, "What did I just say? Now that I think about it, it's because I moved. Question, don’t you consider moving to Xishan Courtyard? I think it’s much more convenient than your poor yard.”

Lu Jiang said seriously: "After Qingxue graduates, I will take my children back to Baozhou, so there is no need to go to such trouble."

Commander Xu glanced at him sideways and drank the last mouthful of porridge. "In May next year, the commanders of all the armies will be transferred to other posts after completing their terms. Including you, do you think Xibao's mother may return to Baozhou after graduating in autumn and winter?"

"Then they will follow me wherever I go." Lu Jiang said without thinking.

Commander Xu gave him a weak nod and had nothing to say.

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