In 1972, it arrived during a heavy snowfall.

Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu arrived earlier than Daxue, and the triplets almost went crazy.

Although Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu have grown up, their childlike innocence has not been lost. The two brothers grew up in the Wanglou Brigade and can come up with a hundred thousand ways to play. Even Dundun always knows brother Tianzhi and brother Ayu, and Zhuangzhuang is not clingy. Mom.

Fortunately, Feng Qingxue sent out the cotton jackets, cotton trousers, cotton shoes, gloves and socks prepared for the elderly, including her grandparents in her previous life, as well as her parents who were only a few years old. She also sent some malted milk, canned food, etc. to her parents. Candy, grain, food stamps and money, she would send these things anonymously every year before the Chinese New Year.

In previous lives, grandparents always talked about how hard their parents suffered when they were young.

Although they did not go through the three difficult years, supplies were scarce in the 1960s and 1970s, and the elderly members of the two families were not good. Therefore, when their parents were ten years old, they were still like five or six-year-old children. It was not until they were rehabilitated that they slowly grow up.

A large part of the materials in the space come from the inheritance left to me by my parents, so it is natural to pay tribute to them now.

She also sent some things to Lu Jiang's comrades. After finishing, Feng Qingxue sent several medical papers she had written to international medical newspapers. After being verified word by word by professors from the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and the School of Medicine, they were already perfect.

She always felt that her medical skills were stagnant. Although she learned the theory thoroughly, she could not keep up with the technology. She told Professor Xie about this while she was giving him clothes and shoes.

Several old professors who had taught her carefully were involved, but their winter coats were so worn that they were clumped together and did not keep them warm at all.

Some of these clothes, shoes and socks are made by myself, using cotton and fabrics found in the space, and some are purchased ready-made clothes.

With the help of Chen Xueniang and Zheng Jinrui, these things are easy to obtain.

Touching the soft and warm cotton-padded jacket that was worn on his body, Professor Xie's eye circles suddenly turned red, and he kept saying: "I didn't expect that after decades of teaching, I would be helped by you in this difficult time."

"You should respect your teachers and respect your teachings." Feng Qingxue has always regarded this sentence as the principle of life.

Professor Xie hummed, with a nasal sound, and the topic turned back to Feng Qingxue's problem, and he said: "You are right to think so. In theory, I have no knowledge to teach you. I can't, I guess the medical school The same goes for the two professors. Those chicken feathers can't even match your medical skills, let alone teach you. "

Ji Feo refers to teaching assistants. When Feng Qingxue first started school, some of the teachers who gave lectures were teaching assistants. They had only been in college for a year or two and had not mastered professional knowledge at all. They showed their timidity within two days of teaching students. . With the return of some teachers, some more self-aware teaching assistants follow the lectures instead of giving lectures, but some are still very talented.

The reason why they are called chicken feathers is because when they are doing sports, they often say, "Who said chicken feathers can't fly into the sky?"

Professor Xie mentioned Ji Fei in a mocking tone. He has been influenced by Ji Fei's idleness in the past two years, and continued: "The most important thing you need to do now is to go to the hospital and get in touch with patients, so that you can turn theory into practice. You can't keep talking on paper. Look at those famous doctors, who have not experienced thousands of patients? A large part of their fame comes from their accumulated experience.”

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