While talking to Lu's father, Zhu Ling echoed: "This is why life is like a dream, and this is why things in the world are impermanent."

"Have your second elders returned to work and resumed work?" Feng Qingxue asked.

Zhu Ling had already answered Father Lu's question, but Feng Qingxue was not at home at the time, so he repeated it again, "I haven't fully resumed work. I still have to write inspection reports regularly and accept supervision. I just come back first and be responsible for some documents." Regarding translation work, when we fully realize our mistakes, the state will arrange for us to continue working as appropriate.”

translating job? Yes, Zhu Ling and Wenyue studied overseas in their early years, but they are famous contemporary translators who have published many Chinese translations of foreign masterpieces and are well-known in the cultural world.

Feng Qingxue nodded, thinking that it would not be so easy for the second elder to resume work.

Some old professors in the school who can teach seem to have resumed their work. In fact, the situation is similar to that of Zhu Ling and his wife. The country is in urgent need of talents. In minor cases, they first reflected on their mistakes and then were transferred back. Many teachers are giving lectures. I was always trembling, not daring to express my opinions loudly, for fear of being punished by the students below and the group of chickens who stayed in the school.

"It's good to be back. One bite won't make you fat. Let's do it step by step."

After hearing Feng Qingxue's words, Zhu Ling nodded slightly and said, "Your father also said the same thing just now, saying that the situation is gradually getting better. Although it is not obvious, there is always a glimmer of hope, right? We are in good health now. Wait. Affordable.”

"When I think about being able to pick up a pen and do what I like to do, I feel full of energy." Wen Yue continued.

Father Lu warned: "Be careful and don't leave anything to say to others. There are countless people watching you. If something goes wrong, they might pull you out for a walk."

Take it out for a walk? The words were spoken crudely, but the meaning was expressed clearly.

Even after getting off the bus today, the two elders saw the parade on the street. They didn't dare to stop. They hurriedly went to Lu's house in the heavy snow and storm, left some luggage at their house, and then rushed to their residence.

It is said to be a place of residence, but I don’t know if it is still there now. We need to report it first and transfer the relationship between grain and oil.

Feng Qingxue said hurriedly: "Teacher Zhu, Teacher Wen, please leave after dinner. I'll go cook."

"No, no, it's important for us to get out of the car. If we don't go back, people will be suspicious. We can't come to you after the report, so don't come to us either, so as not to involve you. Everyone just knows what's going on. Leave it at Some of your luggage here can be picked up secretly after we have settled in."

After Wen Yue finished speaking, without giving the Lu family time to react, she and Zhu Ling left in a hurry with their luggage that was not afraid of being checked.

Feng Qingxue sent them out and watched their thin backs disappear into the wind and snow.

Lu Jiang saw his wife's figure standing in the snow in the car. He hurriedly asked someone to stop the car, opened the door and got out of the car, and rushed over to hold an umbrella for her. "Didn't you see it's snowing? Why don't you wear thicker clothes?" Hold an umbrella?”

"A Jiang? Are you back?" Feng Qingxue had an unexpected surprise when she saw her husband.

Lu Jiang pulled her in and said, "Today is New Year's Day. We are all on holiday. If I didn't have a temporary job, I would have come back last night. I heard that there was a new movie showing in the cinema, so I bought two tickets and waited for me to leave. I will take you to see a movie, just the two of us, and we will let them eat and sleep at home."

. . I owe you two chapters. I'm covering my face. It's not intentional. There's a power outage. My laptop doesn't have much power either. Standing for 12 hours is a lie. I'll make up for it tomorrow.

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