Kristen responded with "Hello" and focused all her attention on Feng Qingxue.

"I have photos of you and the baby." Kristen took out a photo frame from the Hermès bag she was carrying. Inside was a photo of Bernard and Feng Qingxue's family when he was a guest at the Lu family, and it was in color!

Bernard was the French ambassador and was always followed by his own photographer.

When Feng Qingxue saw this photo, she couldn't help but be filled with emotion. She could still remember the scene of Bernard visiting her home.

Kristine clicked on Xibao in the photo, with love in her eyes, "The photo my dad brought back was published in many newspapers and periodicals in our country and caused a lot of heated discussions. The baby was praised as the cutest. Baby, they say that when you look at a baby, it doesn’t look like the country is backward at all. The photographers who took various photos of your country must have deliberately taken photos of poverty and backwardness and brought them back. My father praised you very much and said. You have the elegance and beauty of a great nation.”

No woman doesn't like to hear words like this, especially when it comes to national sports, "Thank you for your father's praise. Our country has been making progress, and you and your father will be the best witnesses."

"So I'm here, I'm here to see the country of porcelain, I want to be a good man, I want to be a witness to historical changes like you said!" Christine put the photo back in her bag and pointed at the The camera placed on the table, "I especially like photography. I like to record all kinds of wonderful moments, good and bad, as the best memories of the world in my later years."

"What a great idea!" Feng Qingxue agreed very much.

Christine was very happy after hearing this, "My father and my mother are very supportive of me. When I came here, they sponsored all my expenses. I am very, very grateful to them. Feng, dear Feng, my father said your name is Feng, like Beautiful lady like the wind, can I come to your home? I want to see the baby and your other children. How many children do you have now? Your country has one of the most populous countries in the world. You must have many. 's baby.”

Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "Welcome, welcome to our home. My son will be very happy to see you. The baby has a younger sister and three younger brothers. We have five children in our family."

"Wow, Feng, you are amazing. My mother didn't want to talk about giving birth to me. She said it hurt her to death!"

After Kristen said this, she suddenly frowned, and the delicious food she sent could not solve her dilemma, "But, I'm sorry, Feng, I don't know your home address, and I really need you to leave it with me. "

Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "Kristen, tell us where you live, and the baby and I will pick you up early tomorrow morning."

"This is great!" Kristen was overjoyed. "Your capital has many beautiful houses and many streets called alleys. I wandered around and often got lost, and no one understood me. I was a duck every time. Talk to the chicken. I'm living with Edward and his father now, it's easy to find."

After making an appointment, Kristen enjoyed the meal with confidence.

Halfway through the meal, she said to Feng Qingxue: "Can I eat roast duck tomorrow? My father said it was extremely delicious and unforgettable after eating it. But when we went there, there were many people and we saw the waiter guarding the door. Many customers who came to eat asked for work IDs and the like. We didn’t have work IDs, so we were cautious and didn’t step forward.”

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