Kristine nodded heavily, "Yes, she and her son are the people I was entrusted by my father to find. We searched for several days but couldn't find them. We met in the restaurant. It was God's arrangement!"

"Ah, I remembered, the fat baby in the photo!" Helen suddenly realized.

"Yes." Kristen smiled, "I can finally complete the task assigned to me by my father, but I am very happy to meet the baby's mother. She is an elegant-speaking lady with a wide range of knowledge and a good mouth. Very beautiful French, changed my impression of this country in recent days. ”

Helen rolled her eyes and said, "You can introduce me to us some other time!"

"I need Feng's permission for this." Christine said seriously, "She is very warm and hospitable. She is the one who paid the bill tonight. I think she will be willing to get to know you. I won't tell you anymore. I have to go back." I packed the room and put the gifts from my parents in boxes and brought them to them.”

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard prepared many gifts for Feng Qingxue and her son, and filled a suitcase full of them.

Christine prepared a 10,000-denomination overseas remittance coupon, put it in a beautiful cardboard box, and tied it with a bow. Since the box could no longer hold anything, she put it in her bag. After completing the task, she fell asleep happily. Sleep.

Feng Qingxue made an appointment with Christine, and she and Lu Jiang brought Xibao over half an hour in advance.

Lu Jiang drove the car himself and took her and Xibao with him.

After breaking up with Christine last night, the couple reported to the relevant departments overnight. During this sensitive period, they did not dare to take risks. Fortunately, Bernard was a good friend Xibao met in the compound. The leaders had a clear path before them, so they did not have any embarrassment. Instead, they asked them to receive foreign friends well.

The country has been working hard to establish diplomatic relations with foreign countries, and it established diplomatic relations with France relatively early. Of course, their relationship is better. Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue are devoted to revolution, and they are not particularly pushy people, so they do not attract other people's taboos.

Before arriving, the couple specially ordered a whole duck banquet from Quanjude in advance to entertain Christine.

The snow has stopped, but the wind is strong and it is still very cold.

Christine was still wrapped in the red cotton coat and stood at the door waving to them as they got off the car. She was carrying an Hermès leather bag, pulling an Hermès suitcase, and her precious camera was hanging on her chest.

As soon as the three members of the Lu family arrived, they smelled a strong smell of perfume.

"Good morning, Christine." Feng Qingxue said hello, lowered her head and said to Xibao: "Xibao, call me sister, don't you often talk about Nana? Sister Christine is Nana's daughter."

Xibao said hello to Christine in fluent French. Christine's eyes widened in surprise. The handsome and polite boy in front of her was the fair and tender fat baby in the photo? Time was really ruthless and turned the cute baby into a boy, but the good-looking features made her feel less regretful.

"Hello, baby!" Kristen gave up her suitcase and rushed over to give him a hug. "I'm so happy to see you. We must take a group photo in the snow and take it back to show to my parents."

"Is Nana okay?" Faced with Christine's enthusiasm, Xibao was more concerned about his good friend.

"Okay, okay, that's great. He asked me to bring you a lot of gifts."

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