Not just watches, all products are cheaper than outside.

The same is true for the overseas Chinese store in Shanghai. Feng Qingxue heard it from a classmate from Shanghai.

According to this situation, it is estimated that it is the same all over the country.

Feng Qingxue first bought two Shanghai brand watches for Guancheng, one for a man and one for a woman. It's not that she doesn't want to buy imported watches, but it's more risky to wear imported watches now. One hundred and twenty yuan plus forty shopping coupons, " In a few days, I’ll buy one for each of you brothers.”

Buying several pieces at once will definitely scare the salesperson.

Lu Tianzhi waved his hand, "We don't want it. Why do we need that thing? We can buy it ourselves when we can make money."

"Yes, aunt, you don't have to buy it for my sister-in-law. Let my brother buy it later."

Feng Qingxue said: "Since your brother came to work in the capital, he has given half of his salary to me every month, and spent the remaining half on your sister-in-law. It is said that the spending is limited, and most of it has been saved, because you My sister-in-law is not a wasteful person. Don’t worry, I will use his money to buy everything for his wedding.”

Otherwise, how could she dare to be so lavish?

This is not only the case in Guancheng, after Lu Tianjun and Feng Qingyun received their salaries, they have been giving her half of their salaries without hesitation. As the salary level increased, the amount given to her also increased, at least 200 per year, and as many as 300 or 400.

After Lu Tianjun and Jiang Xiaoyue got married, Feng Qingxue refused to accept Lu Tianjun's salary, thinking that since he had a family, he should contribute to his own family. As a result, he and Jiang Xiaoyue were not happy, so they said that he was filial to her, Lu's father, and Lu. Jiang He raised Lu Tianzhi and gave Lu Tianzhi money to marry a wife. If Feng Qingxue hadn't refused to accept it, Jiang Xiaoyue would have handed over one month's salary to her.

None of these children have been raised in vain. They are very sensible and filial.

After Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu listened, they said in unison: "Auntie, when we can make money, we will give you half of our salary every month. After spring, find us a job too!"

After all, they have a high school education. Although they spent three days fishing and two days drying nets in school, they took the final exam.

Among them, Feng Qingyun joined the army early and did not attend school seriously.

Work? Feng Qingxue patted her forehead, "I neglected it, I neglected it. You have all grown up. It is not that good to always work at home. Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. Okay, I will ask someone to introduce it to you later. son’s work.”

With their couple's personal connections, they were not worried at all about not being able to arrange work for their nephew.

"Thank you, Auntie!" The two brothers were overjoyed.

Feng Qingxue put the watch she bought into her bag and continued walking. When she passed by the gold and silver jewelry counter, she couldn't move. People who have never entered a friendship store would never imagine that gold and silver are not allowed to circulate outside. Friendship There are gold and silver jewelry counters in shops or overseas Chinese stores. The craftsmanship is very exquisite, but it is expensive!

Silver is fine, but can gold be cheap? Compared with twelve years ago, the price of gold has increased significantly.

Thinking of this, Feng Qingxue particularly admired the old leader's foresight. He expected that the US dollar would depreciate and gold would increase in value. The country's gold reserves were quite sufficient, and even decades later this gold came in handy.

"Let's go buy something else." Shopping is addictive, Feng Qingxue was still unsatisfied and decided to fight at other counters.

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