Feng Qingxue finally understood why Lu Jiang liked to eat meat, and braised pork was his favorite.

Logically speaking, the conditions of the Lu family were superior. Lu Jiang had never experienced hardship before joining the army. He was located in a remote location and probably ate less delicacies. There was definitely no shortage of chicken, fish, meat and eggs. At that time, she thought that it was a difficult period and Lu Jiang would not have enough food in the army. Well, later on, I experienced a lot more and realized that if you have money and connections, you can go to a state-owned restaurant to have a good meal and improve your life, so I occasionally murmured in my heart.

At this time, the doubts were answered, and she learned that the last five people of the company survived, Feng Qingxue's eyes were a little sour, "The days will get better and better, and we will not let down the martyrs who sacrificed their lives!"

"Yes, you have witnessed the good days, and all the comrades under the Nine Springs will see it!"

As soon as Lu Jiang finished speaking, the pot started boiling and the dumplings were tumbling. Feng Qingxue added half a ladle of cold water to it, "The food is almost hot. You can bring it over first and then come back and bring the dumplings."

When the dish is hot, scoop a few ladles of dumpling soup into a small pot. It is not cold water, so it heats up quickly.

When Lu Jiang came back, he came over with Shi Guantao and Lu Tianzhi.

"Sister-in-law, stop working!" Shi Guantao was holding a basin of dumplings, a little embarrassed.

Feng Qingxue washed her hands and said, "You go and eat first, I'll be here soon."

There were many Lu family members, and a big table was full. The dumplings in the basin were white and fat, with thin skin and big fillings. There was a large plate in front of Christine, half of which was already eaten.

She didn't know how to use chopsticks, so Lu Tianzhi found a spoon for her to use, and she scooped it out accurately.

"It turns out that scallion pancakes are not the only delicious ones!" Christine's eyes narrowed. "We also went to a state-owned restaurant with Edward's father's subordinates to eat dumplings and noodles, but they were not as delicious as yours."

Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "That's not to say, the chefs in the restaurant are better than me, but they can't put in the oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and other seasonings as hard as I can, so most of the food they make tastes bland. Some. But, Christine, you must have been to the International Hotel. Isn’t the food there delicious?”

It's hard for a good woman to cook without rice. Even in state-owned restaurants, there are certain restrictions on the supply in all aspects. At this time, there is no such thing as thirteen-flavor chicken essence. How can you cook delicious and fragrant food?

Not to mention the category of returning to the original nature of cooking. Most of what ordinary people call delicious food depends on ingredients and seasonings.

Kristine thought for a moment, "It seems true. The food at the International Hotel is delicious. It's delicious. My dad said that the food at the state banquet is even better. In a few days, I'll invite your whole family to the International Hotel for dinner. , call my good friends Edward and Helen. The remittance coupon I gave you contains part of Edward and Helen’s money. Like me, they can’t use it all.”

When Feng Qingxue heard this, she hurriedly said: "With such great benefits from you, how can I treat you to a treat? If your friends don't dislike our family, you can come to our house as a guest someday. I treated your father to dinner. has experience."

Christine was particularly happy, "That's great, Helen and Edward must be very happy."

The French are romantic, passionate, and also love making friends.

Shi Guantao saw that Feng Qingxue communicated with the foreign lesbians without any obstacles, and the children also interrupted each other, so he couldn't help but said to Lu Jiang: "My sister-in-law is really amazing! These nephews are also amazing!"

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