Lu Jiang sighed, "Hearing what you said, I had to change my wish. I hope that our country will be prosperous and strong, with talents emerging in large numbers. I will retire earlier to accompany you. Like what is said in the book, I will accompany you around the world."

"It's a bit difficult." Feng Qingxue hit him unceremoniously, "It is possible to travel through the mountains and rivers of our country."

The country has extremely strict regulations for soldiers. Without the country's approval, it is impossible for soldiers to go abroad without permission, especially for a high-ranking general like Lu Jiang, who will obviously make further progress in the future.

Lu Jiang pecked her mouth and said, "You can't say something nice."

"It sounds good, yes. Listen, Lu Jiang, I am happy with you. No matter when or where you are, I will not be angry because you can't be with me every day." Feng Qingxue's eyes were flowing, and sweet words came at her fingertips, "Our Life is still very long, and I will accompany you for the rest of my life. I will be the great helper behind you, taking good care of the elderly, children and family, so that you can contribute everything you have to the motherland without any worries, so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment and enjoy peace forever. ”

He shamelessly praised himself, making Lu Jiang couldn't help but laugh, his chest vibrated, and it also shook hers.

After he finished laughing, Feng Qingxue said: "I was wandering in the courtyard today and learned a lot of things. I also met Comrade Su Junlin's eldest daughter Su Meixiang. I didn't expect her to be here. The family income should not be low, right? I remember Bai Xue said that when she lived in the capital, Comrade Su Junlin’s eldest son and daughter often came home to ask for living expenses.”

Feng Qingxue was very shameless about this way of chewing the elderly.

Lu Jiang thought about it, and after thinking for a long time, he remembered that Su Meixiang was Shen Qing's wife, and her reputation was not very good. "I heard someone said that Comrade Su Meixiang usually likes to dress up and spends extravagantly in life. Every month in late I have so much money that I would rather go hungry for half a month just to buy a new piece of clothing.”

Feng Qingxue understood it as soon as she heard it.

It is not uncommon for women to ignore their family life because of their own dressing, and it will not disappear because of the changes in the times.

"I have also spent a lot of money this year. With the overseas remittance coupons given by Christine, I can't help but want to buy things. I feel very happy when I buy them." Feng Qingxue was a little embarrassed, resulting in their family savings of only two thousand. That’s a lot of money.

This means giving away a large part of the overseas remittance coupons. If you don't give them away, you will have spent all your savings and still have overseas remittance coupons left.

Lu Jiang was willing to indulge his wife's desire to buy, "If you like it, buy it. If you really have no money, just sell a few gold bars. Our family has a lot of gold. Apart from stealing cultural relics and using them once, they are of no use at ordinary times."

"It's not to that point." There are old people and children at home, and there are many places to use money. Feng Qingxue will not be so squandered that she will spend all her savings. She just buys things. In addition to giving gifts, she also buys things she needs recently or in the future. Things that are usually hard to buy are partially stored in the space, and the family will not need to buy them again for a long time.

Lu Jiang knew his wife's character well and was not worried at all, "You can do whatever you want, I will do everything."

It’s all about me. It’s easy to say, but very little can be done.

However, Lu Jiang is definitely one of them. He has never had a dispute with his wife over money issues. After so many years of marriage, Feng Qingxue has lived a happy life.

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