Just like that, the parents of the four boys arrived one after another. One of them was Su Meixiang, just as Feng Qingxue expected. The other three were two older middle-aged women and a middle-aged man.

As soon as the middle-aged man entered the door, he shouted in a loud voice: "Teacher Zhao, what trouble did my little boy get into again?"

Teacher Zhao had already heard from Principal Mo that Feng Qingxue had only arrived in the army yesterday and she should not have been familiar with the environment yet, so he introduced her: "Mother Lu Tianhui, this is Comrade Ye Xiangqian, Ye Yan's father. This is Shen Feng’s mother, Comrade Su Meixiang, the two in blue gowns are Zhou Fei’s mother, Comrade Peng Aihong, and the one in grass green gown is Xu Sheng’s mother, Comrade Ding Min.”

Peng Aihong is fatter and shorter, while Ding Min has a tall and thin figure, which is easy to distinguish, but they have the same thick hands and feet. Compared with Su Meixiang, who is well-dressed and hairsprayed, she is quite inconspicuous.

Feng Qingxue greeted them one by one, "Hello, comrades, I am Lu Tianhui's mother, Feng Qingxue."

Ye Qianqian immediately saluted a military salute, "Hello, Comrade Qingxue, I often hear my parents mention you. I originally wanted to wait until you and your children have settled down, but I will bring my brat to visit you in two days. I didn't expect that today because of I'm really sorry that my brat caused trouble. Didn't you scare little Fubao? "

Upon hearing this, Feng Qingxue's mind turned and she took a hint from his name, "Ye Qianqian, you are too polite. Are Comrade Ye Zhengjun and Comrade Guo Cui okay?"

Yes, Ye Xiangqian is the eldest son of Ye Zhengjun and Guo Cui. I heard before that he was in the Capital Military District, but I didn't expect that he was in the Wucheng Army.

Ye Xiangqian is in his forties this year. It is said that he suffered a lot when Ye Zhengjun was in trouble and was dismissed from his post. His wife divorced him at that time and gave him his only son, who should be the one in front of him. The unruly Ye Yan was gone.

Ye Xiangqian smiled and said: "We just contacted him some time ago. They are all good. My dad has also been promoted."

He wanted to thank Feng Qingxue for helping his family when they were in trouble. If Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue hadn't sent them some food stamps from time to time, he and Ye Yan would not have survived until their father was reinstated, but he was afraid For causing unnecessary trouble to Feng Qingxue, she didn't say a word of thanks, but instead patted Ye Yan on the head, "You brat, what are you doing standing there in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and call someone!"

"Hello Aunt Lu!" Ye Yan's expression was indifferent, but his mouth was sweet. He bowed when he spoke, "Aunt Lu, you are too young. You don't look like Lu Tianhui's mother at all. I almost thought you were Lu Tianhui's sister. ”

His attitude was very close, and now he was acting like a good boy.

Although Lu Jiang and Ye Zhengjun were friends, Feng Qingxue was used to calling Guo Cui sister-in-law, but Xibao often called them grandparents, and Ye Xiangqian and Lu Jiang were almost the same age and were in the same army. Ye Yan called them this There was nothing wrong with her. Feng Qingxue smiled back and said, "Hello, classmate Ye Yan, Lu Tianhui and I are mother and daughter. It's true that we are fake."

Su Meixiang ignored the content of their chat. When she saw her son with a bruised nose and face, she felt extremely distressed. She said rudely to Teacher Zhao: "My son is here to go to school. Why did you beat him?"

Teacher Zhao had more contact with Su Meixiang and knew her character well. He said seriously: "As a teacher, I didn't hit him."

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