In addition to clothes and daily necessities, Ye Xiangqian also sent Ye Yan's living expenses and food stamps.

As a result, the left-behind child Ye Xiangqian became a member of the Lu family. He happily went to and from school with Fu Bao every day. How could he be a bit unruly? He is clearly a polite, well-behaved, and very diligent child.

However, when he got to school, he became the indifferent person he was before. Except for Fubao, he didn't give anyone a chance to get close to him.

Feng Qingxue collected the hundred yuan that Ye Xiangqian returned to herself, lifted the cloth covering the sewing machine, and made clothes for Ye Yan.

The fabric was brought from the capital, and the remittance coupons were not used in vain.

Ye Yan's clothes were too small and shabby. One piece of clothing could have four or five patches. Ye Xiangqian probably didn't even notice. Feng Qingxue wanted to make two sets of autumn clothes for him before she officially joined the job. Fortunately, This sewing machine saves a lot of time.

This sewing machine, which was not old and new, could not be taken away by Biere when he left the army compound, so Lu Jiang took it back at half the price.

Fu Bao was able to quickly make good clothes on the first day of school, and this sewing machine was indispensable.

Speaking of the clothes made by Chenliang, Fubao and the triplets were unwilling to wear them a second time after wearing them once. Qiuhuhu was very violent, and the children were always restless, especially Lu Erxiong, who jumped up and down every day, making them covered in stinky sweat. , when indeed Liang's clothes are soaked, they stick to the body and are not breathable, which is naturally very uncomfortable.

"What everyone likes is not necessarily the best." Fu Bao finally understood this truth. From then on, she no longer cared about what everyone else liked unless she really liked it.

While Feng Qingxue was trying on Ye Yan's clothes, she said, "It's good that you know. Each of you will never look back until you hit the wall."

She had already said that Deliang's clothes were uncomfortable to wear, but she didn't believe her.

Fu Bao's face was red and he was a little embarrassed. He said coquettishly: "Then I won't wear them anymore. What should I do with the clothes I just made? It's a pity to put them in a box. It's such a waste."

"It doesn't matter. I have given away all the clothes you wore when you were young. The clothes you don't wear will also be given to people who like them in the future." The diapers and clothes of the five children when they were young were basically given away. It was very big. Part of it is that the other party comes to ask for it. They don't dislike old clothes, but think that wearing old clothes is conducive to the growth of their children. In the old days, there were Baijiayi!

Fu Bao breathed a sigh of relief, just don’t waste it, just don’t waste it.

Through Deliang's incident, Feng Qingxue gave her children a good education, then washed, dried and put away their unworn clothes and gave them to people in need.

Things in life came to an end, and Feng Qingxue officially joined the job.

Since Feng Qingxue was good at first aid, the military hospital placed her in the emergency department. On her first day of employment, she received a patient with an attack of disease and a seriously injured soldier. Without exception, she saved her from death. Pulled back.

The person who was waiting to see Feng Qingxue's joke suddenly lost his voice.

Although many people say that Feng Qingxue is a talented person and is proficient in Chinese and Western medicine, many people think that she is over-promoted. She is not that powerful. She can join the job and directly enjoy battalion-level treatment, all because of Lu Jiang.

The emergency department was sometimes so busy that my feet hit the back of my head, and sometimes it was very leisurely, but Feng Qingxue was never idle.

She was still studying and asking for advice from the seniors in the hospital. This open-minded and eager-to-learn attitude greatly pleased the senior doctors in the military hospital, and she was willing to give them careful guidance until Feng Qingxue received a response from the medical paper.

.. . 10,000 words are finished, we will continue our efforts tomorrow, and at the end of the month, we will pay off debts and get tickets for the game.

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