Ye Qianqian quickly covered his mouth and glanced at the plastered wall guiltily. He wondered if Shen Qing next door heard these words. Fortunately, he had made a decision. Shen Feng would not be hungry in the future. .

"Okay, okay, go to bed. Your Uncle Lu will have a rest tomorrow. I will take you to buy groceries and deliver them there early in the morning."

Ye Yan closed his eyes happily.

The so-called reciprocation, the Lu family was kind to Ye Yan, and Ye Xiangqian was so grateful that he naturally treated them twice as much. He went to the food service department before dawn and bought a big piece of pork belly. He used up all the meat tickets and bought another ribs. and a bunch of radish and green vegetables. When he came back, he took his son to the restaurant to buy forty meat and vegetable buns and ten fried dough sticks. Before leaving, he did not forget to tell the chef: "I'll keep the money for you. Make me a braised carp dish at noon." , a big braised pork elbow, I’ll come and get it at noon.”

He inquired about it and found out that the restaurant had fish available today, so it was not a embarrassment to the chef.

Lu Jiang came back from a run as usual, and happened to meet his father and son at the door of their house. Looking at the big and small bags they brought, he couldn't help but said, "Why are you so polite?"

"I didn't buy anything, but the meat ticket is about to expire. It's a waste if I don't buy it." Ye Xiangqian said with a smile.

He considered that Lu Jiang was off today, but he forgot that Feng Qingxue was on duty today.

So, when the meal was ready at noon, Lu Jiang asked his family and Ye Qianqian and his son to eat first, while he served food to his wife. The small half of the big lunch box wrapped in a quilt was filled with white rice, braised pork ribs, braised pork and braised elbow meat. It occupies more than half of the lunch box, and the red and oily soup soaks into the rice, and the aroma is fragrant.

"I can't finish eating." Feng Qingxue took a piece of braised pork and stuffed it into his mouth.

She has her own separate office, and except for the doctors and nurses on duty, everyone else has gone to the hospital cafeteria to eat, and no one comes to disturb the couple's space together.

Lu Jiang opened his mouth and ate it, "You can eat it. We still have it at home. Comrade Ye bought a lot of meat and vegetables from Qian Xiang."

"That's too polite." Feng Qingxue took back her chopsticks and lowered her head to eat the rice. "It's all meat. Why didn't you put some vegetables in the lunch box for me? You won't just eat a big table of meat, right? Don't you feel tired?"

Lu Jiang laughed and said, "There are vegetables, but I didn't serve them for you. In the army, meals are arranged according to rank. A few guards and orderlies eat meat less frequently. Even I don't eat meat every day. How can I feel tired?" I asked Zhu Lei to cut bacon and stew half a pot of radishes, and steamed a dried chicken. The appetites of the troops were very big, so it was rare for them to have a hearty meal, so they could eat enough. "

Feng Qingxue hummed, and while eating, she took out a few oranges and gave them to him.

After Lu Jiang finished the oranges, she also finished her meal. There was half left in the lunch box, so Lu Jiang ate them all. He put the orange peels back into the space and opened the window to disperse the smell. Fortunately, the fragrance of the food covered up the fragrance of the oranges. , did not arouse any suspicion all afternoon.

After Lu Jiang left, Feng Qingxue spent all her time reading books. There was a lot worth learning in the international medical journals that were sent to her.

Today was relatively leisurely. Feng Qingxue got off work on time and met Su Meixiang as soon as she walked out of the hospital.

Su Meixiang pulled Shen Feng towards her, "Sister-in-law Qingxue, don't be too busy getting off work. Come and check with my Xiaofeng to see if there are any sequelae from the last fight with Ye Yan. He keeps complaining that he has a headache."

After hearing this, Feng Qingxue felt something bad in her heart.

. . . Only female compatriots understand the pain. It just so happens that on the first day, I am awesome. I have finished updating ten thousand words. Please join me in praying that Xibao Little Fatty will go home soon. Stop playing with my computer. I am coding Little Fatty. He had to press on me and almost smashed my computer.

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