Peng Aihong sighed and continued while picking up the soles of her shoes: "At that time, Zhou Cheng and Zheng Yuanyuan were both in the army and had not yet left, so Lao Zhou and I told them that we would give them the bicycle tickets and locker tickets, and another five hundred. The money is used as the cost of their wedding, which is what we want as parents. If we can get married, we will get married. If we can't, forget it. We will let them think of other gifts such as sewing machines, watches, radios, and woolen coats. "

"Of course they don't agree, right?" Feng Qingxue didn't even have to think about it.

Peng Aihong nodded and said: "Yes, I don't agree. Zheng Yuanyuan herself doesn't stand out. She is such a shrewd and cunning girl. She lets my son speak for everything, even when he wants a woolen coat. This child is really obsessed with the money he wants. Just like anything, we can’t lack it. If it’s missing, he won’t be able to get married, and he won’t recognize us as parents.”

It is difficult for Peng Aihong to describe the shock and grief that her husband and wife felt when they heard this sentence. "Lao Zhou was also sad. He raised such a big son and broke up with his parents over this matter. It is simply a wolf-hearted thing. What else can we expect?" What? With this obviously wasted money, it is better to raise the following two children. So, Lao Zhou directly told them to go wherever they came from. Anyway, we parents have done our best to him. The responsibility of nurturing.”

Feng Qingxue shook her head, "Are they not making trouble?"

"It's making a fuss, so what? We can't beat Zheng Yuanyuan or scold Zheng Yuanyuan, so why can't we beat and scold our own son? Old Zhou immediately kicked Zhou Cheng out, and Zheng Yuanyuan didn't have the nerve to stay."

"I'm afraid the marriage won't happen, right?" Feng Qingxue said.

Zheng Yuanyuan is obviously an extremely selfish person. She only gets rich through marriage, or she wants to get things that she can't afford or can't buy through marriage. Once she fails to achieve her goal, she will probably break up with Zhou.

"It's good to separate!" Peng Aihong said bitterly, "Our family doesn't want such a daughter-in-law! I just hope that Zhou Cheng can see people's hearts clearly after going through this incident. Lao Zhou and I don't ask him for anything in return, and we don't ask for anything in return. What a well-educated daughter-in-law he married. I just hope that she will be a responsible child who is willing to live a down-to-earth life with him. Zheng Yuanyuan is quite handsome, not to mention thin and tender, and she is well-groomed, but I am afraid that she is. The second Su Meixiang! Without Su Meixiang’s life, I want Su Meixiang’s life.”

Su Meixiang is currently considered a popular person in the army compound, and she is a notorious one.

After completing the divorce procedures with Shen Qing, she immediately packed her luggage and prepared to return to the capital to join her uncle. She packed more than 20 bags of clothes and shoes and sent them all to her uncle's house in the capital. The soldier in charge of sending and receiving letters and packages almost ran away With a broken leg, she wore a woolen coat and blue Tang leather shoes, with a big red bandana tied around her neck, and left with her head held high.

After she left, Shen Qingcai took his son home, only to be faced with a mess.

In addition to the bedding and clothes that Su Meixiang took away, the remaining bedding at home and the clothes and shoes of Shen Qing and his son were all cut to pieces and cut into thin strips that could not be put together.

The cooking pots and cooking pots were all smashed and smashed.

All the dishes were thrown to the ground and shattered into pieces.

Even a few simple pieces of furniture were scratched beyond recognition by Su Meixiang with sharp tools.

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