After hearing Feng Qingxue's words, Bai Xue nodded, "That's a good thing. Everyone just lives their own life."

"Let's not talk about them, how are you doing there?" Feng Qingxue is more concerned about the comrades who are still stationed in the border defense force. The living conditions there are far inferior to those here. Although they often send things there, they still miss them often.

Bai Xue thought for a while, "It's all good, you don't have to worry."

"Didn't anything big happen in the army? How is Sister-in-law Xiuying? Is Sister Sanbao in good health? How are Comrade Yang and Comrade Fang Ning doing now? I haven't contacted them for a long time. How is Sister Tian Ling's life? Are Du Xiaotao, Jin Zhuzhu and the others okay? And your daughter." A series of questions came out.

Bai Xue couldn't help laughing and said: "It's all good, it's all good, it's all good."

Feng Qingxue felt relieved, "That's good, our family is developing well, and I've returned to the army as a doctor."

"I heard, congratulations. I also heard that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also wants you!" The person Bai Xue admires most now is Feng Qingxue. She does not rely on her marriage to make people look up to her, but on her own ability. Being respected by everyone is a model for lesbians to learn from. I used to be so narrow-minded that I thought that marrying a powerful person would last a lifetime. In fact, marrying a powerful person may get the glory and wealth you want, but you will have to live in a life all day long. In the midst of trembling, I couldn't stand up straight.

Feng Qingxue pursed her lips and smiled. She heard the admiration in Bai Xue's words and knew that she had really figured it out.

Knowing your mistakes can lead to great improvements, which is vividly demonstrated in Bai Xue. Of course, this is provided that no irreversible mistakes have been made. If a big mistake has been made, even correcting it will not help.

Just when she was about to say something, she heard someone calling her outside, Feng Qingxue said quickly: "Someone called me, hang up first."

"Okay, you get busy first!"

After hanging up the phone, Bai Xue told Su Junlin the news she had learned.

Su Junlin's old face suddenly turned red, turning purple.

"Meixiang actually did such a thing?" Fortunately, he was still thinking that his daughter was divorced and had no job. He discussed with Bai Xue and sent her some living expenses every month.

Bai Xue glanced at him, "Qingxue doesn't know how to lie."

"I know Comrade Qingxue won't lie, but was shocked by what Mei Xiang did. It's really hard for Shen Qing." Su Junlin felt pity for this former son-in-law. If you marry a good wife, you will prosper for three generations. If you marry a good wife, you will destroy it. "No. , I have to call Shen Qing, my salary is given to Mei Xiang, how can they live together? People can't be too greedy and shameless."

Bai Xue said: "Whatever you want. Just listen to me. Su Meixiang wants money, and she doesn't have a cent. No, don't say a cent, she doesn't have a cent. If you want to help Shen Qing and your grandson, that's fine. Just can’t give it to Su Meixiang.”

Shen Qing is a kind person and there is no harm in building a good relationship, but it is useless no matter how nice he is to Su Meixiang.

Su Junlin felt very at ease, "I'll call Shen Qing first."

After answering the phone, Shen Qing's first sentence was to apologize.

"I've heard the whole story. How can you apologize, kid? You're right." Su Junlin sighed, "In the end, it was me who was stationed in the army for a long time and didn't educate her well, which caused you such a big mistake." grievance."

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