The triplets rubbed their hands together, and three bamboo dragonflies flew into the sky. In a moment, two fell to the ground, and one continued to fly crookedly. The one that continued to fly obviously belonged to Lu Erxiong, because Dundun and Zhuangzhuang picked up the bamboos on the ground one after another. dragonfly.

All of them had rosy cheeks and bright eyes.

"My best!" As soon as he finished speaking, there was a snap, and Lu Erxiong's bamboo dragonfly fell down, landing right at Feng Qingxue's feet.

Lu Erxiong rushed over to pick up his bamboo dragonfly and saw his parents' feet at the same time.

"Dad, Mom!" Lu Erxiong raised his face and raised the bamboo dragonfly happily, "Big brother gave it to me. He also brought me a slingshot, wooden horse, grasshopper and delicious food. Big brother is so kind!"

Feng Qingxue touched his sweaty head and said, "Yes, your brother is very good. I miss you too."

When she said this, Lu Jiang had already greeted Cheng Baoguo, "Uncle Cheng, how are you at home? Are you coming here for a vacation or a business trip? If it's a vacation, stay longer."

Because there were guards and orderlies at home, Lu Jiang didn't call him Third Uncle.

Cheng Baoguo's voice was loud and he said with a smile: "I'm really here for a long time this time. I'm here for a year and a half. Don't bother me!"

After hearing this, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue had questions in their eyes.

"I'm retired!" Cheng Baoguo laughed.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue were shocked, "What? Are you retired?"

According to the historical trajectory of his previous life, Cheng Baoguo had been in Huaihai City for more than ten years. He was directly promoted after the end of this catastrophe. He did not retire until he was seventy-five but turned into a sinecure. Is he retiring now? This was never expected.

Cheng Baoguo spread his hands and said with a smile: "Yes, I am retired. I am getting older. I am over sixty, my mind is not flexible anymore, and I am no longer qualified for the job of a top leader. If I don't retire, who will? No need to waste national resources. It’s good to retire and have nothing to do. Come live with your aunt and take the triplets back to your hometown when you get tired of living there.”

Now that the country is basically at peace, Lu Jiang can fully protect his family, and there is no need for him to occupy his position and not give up his position.

He could have been promoted directly to the provincial capital Jinling. According to the level, he could still work for a few more years and there would be room for promotion in the future. However, he did not want to leave Huaihai City, so he went through the retirement procedures on the grounds of old age and illness.

Cheng Baoguo had no children and naturally did not have much ambition in his official career. It made no difference to him to leave early and leave later.

If it were an era of war, he would never retreat. Isn't it the end of peace now? When you get older, step down earlier to make way for the younger generation, so as to avoid old fools from making mistakes.

While the triplets were playing with bamboo dragonflies in the yard, Lu Jiang, his wife and Cheng Baoguo walked into the main room to prepare for a long talk.

Unexpectedly, Lu Jiang and his wife discovered that there was an extra guest at home.

She is a girl about the same age as Fu Bao, with ragged clothes, a reserved expression, sparse and yellow hair, and a dark and red face. Fu Bao is inviting her to eat fruit, "My name is Lu Tianhui, what is your name?"

"Liu Erya." The little girl whispered, holding the fruit in her hands and not daring to eat it.

Wang Cuilan said lovingly: "Erya, eat, don't cover it up, I'll pour you some water, ah!"

Just as Liu Erya was about to take a bite of the Mi Sandao in his hand, he suddenly saw Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue coming in. They looked like people walking out of a portrait. They immediately stood up and looked at Cheng Baoguo uneasily.

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