The adults in the hall were also talking. Cheng Baoguo added a little more about Erya's family situation.

Her name was Erya, because she had a twin sister named Daya before her. She was born with poor health, so the two sisters only had nicknames. As a result, Daya died at the age of three, but her father still had parents and brothers. It's a pity that they don't want to raise her.

Lack of food and clothing makes life difficult, and not many people are willing to raise children for others.

Cheng Baoguo took out an old tin box from his military green satchel and handed it to Lu Jiang, "Old Liu said that when Liu Zhenguo fostered Yuanyuan in his home, he gave him thirty yuan and a pair of small silver bracelets. , these thirty yuan, Lao Liu and his wife who passed away a few years ago were never willing to spend it, so they gave it to Yuanyuan together with the silver bracelet. Now that Yuanyuan passed away, they left it to Erya and gave it as a voucher. Comrade Liu Zhenguo, just give this and those photos to Liu Zhenguo."

Cheng Baoguo got angry just thinking about it. He didn’t support his children and didn’t look for them afterward. How many people wanted children but couldn’t get them? It was a good thing for them. They turned a blind eye when they had children. Let’s not talk about the Anti-Japanese War era. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, they got better and better. Even after he was promoted, he didn't look for it. Lao Liu Ke never moved. Is it true that they have so many children that they don't care about it?

Lu Jiang put the photo Cheng Baoguo gave him before into the box, "Okay, give it to him when you find him."

"Stop talking about them, let's talk about our own family. Ajiang and Xiaoxue are not in their hometown and know nothing about their hometown. When you came, my second brother didn't have anything to ask you to bring?"

After being reminded by his wife, Cheng Baoguo remembered, "There is good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear?"

"Let's talk about the bad stuff first," Lu Jiang said.

Feng Qingxue said: "Let me tell you the good news first."

The couple had different opinions. You looked at me and I looked at you. Lu Jiang reacted immediately, "Of course, tell me the good news first!"

He resolutely put his wife’s opinion first and changed his words quite neatly.

Cheng Baoguo and Wang Cuilan smiled at each other upon hearing this.

"Okay, okay, let me tell you the good news first." Cheng Baoguo carefully arranged the order of his words and said, "Before I retired, I found jobs for Tianzhi and Guan Yu, one at the scrap station and the other at the library."

Feng Qingxue said: "I guess Tianzhi must have gone to the scrapyard and Ayu went to the library."

Tianzhi specializes in calligraphy and painting, and often visits scrap stations. Guan Yu likes to read storybooks and is definitely eyeing the library.

The two of them have not fallen behind on their homework. Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue both plan to let them enter college. The current work is just a transition.

Cheng Baoguo said: "It's better that you know them well. I asked them what kind of jobs they wanted to find. They were looking for jobs on their own. They were not fat jobs. No one was watching, so they were easily arranged."

There are a lot of favors between various agencies and units. Cheng Baoguo can have a meal with someone and reveal a little bit of meaning to get it done.

Although many government agencies, factories and other places recruit workers based on urban household registration first and have educational level restrictions, they still give some quotas to rural areas every year, but they are very few. Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu both have high school education, which is not low. .

After the two nephews were married, Feng Qingxue began to care about the elderly and Xibao at home, and asked them very carefully about their food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Cheng Baoguo raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, "Everything is fine, everything is fine, second brother and Xibao are fine, the old man and the old lady in the family are all fine, but Mr. Lu San has passed away."

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