Hu Lan knew that Lu Jiang and his wife had a good reputation. Over the years in the capital, she had not given up on interpersonal relationships. She often heard people around her say that they were kind, kind, and of good conduct, and that they could be friends without worrying about them stabbing them in the back. people.

There are not many people in the entire capital who can be praised by everyone.

She was worried that Li Jiaoyang would get up early to buy a ticket to go to the capital. After asking about the Lu family's residence, she lingered at the door before six o'clock, startling Lu Jiang who dragged his wife out for a run.

It’s six o’clock in winter and it’s still dark!

"Who are you?" Feng Qingxue shouted out a cloud of white mist.

"Comrade Qingxue, right? I, I am Hu Lan, I'm sorry to disturb you."

Feng Qingxue hurriedly pulled her in, "Comrade Hu Lan, when did you arrive? You are an elder, isn't it normal for Jiaoyang to see you? Why did you come here by yourself? Did you come all night? Come in quickly, Come inside quickly, it's so cold outside. Ah Jiang, hurry up and get Tang Pozi some hot water and wake up the sun."

Hu Lan sat firmly and said: "No, no, let him have a good rest. Wasn't he a member of the army who just arrived yesterday? He must be very tired. I'm not cold, but I just can't sleep. I want to see the child as soon as possible to save him from buying a ticket to the capital. And I missed it.”

Poor parents in the world, Feng Qingxue sighed in her heart.

Lu Jiang and Li Jiaoyang came over soon. Li Jiaoyang, who was a little confused, woke up the moment he saw Hu Lan, and Hu Lan was already so excited that she couldn't control herself.

"Child, my child!" Hu Lan wanted to stand up but felt that her legs were as weak as noodles.

Li Jiaoyang stepped forward quickly and knelt on one knee in front of her, "Mom, I am Jiaoyang."

Hu Lan's reaction was to hug him and cry.

Feng Qingyun slept in the same bed with her niece last night. She heard voices coming from the main room in a daze, and she woke up. At this time, she heard a suppressed and intense cry, as if she was being comforted by Li Jiaoyang. The sound was mixed in. She put on her clothes lightly, opened the curtain and came out. She still didn't know anything about the situation in the main room.

When Feng Qingxue saw her sister, she hurriedly waved and said, "Xiaoyun, come and see your Aunt Hu."

Li Jiaoyang also patted Hu Lan's arm, "Mom, let me introduce you. She is Feng Qingyun, the person I have decided to hold hands with for the rest of my life. I originally planned to go to the capital to see you with her, but we are busy with work in the group. She can't get away."

"Hello Aunt Hu, did you come here overnight? You should wait at home for the sun to see you."

Hu Lan wiped her tears. Although she was a little surprised because of Feng Qingyun's age, she quickly showed a loving smile and said, "Hey, okay, good child, come here and let me take a look. I know everything. Thank you for letting me know." We found the sun."

Li Jiaoyang immediately pulled Feng Qingyun to Hu Lan, "Yes, I still remember the scene when Yun Yun asked me for help."

Feng Qingxue thought to herself that the triplets should probably be the most grateful. She was suffering from severe morning sickness at that time, so her sister went to Li Jiaoyang and asked him for help.

However, fate, everything is fate, everything is a coincidence.

Hu Lan obviously liked Feng Qingyun very much and was not dissatisfied because of the big age difference between her and Li Jiaoyang. He held her with one hand and Li Jiaoyang with the other, and finally put his two hands together.

"For me, finding the sun is the greatest joy." Her son is safe and she will not object to anything he means.

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