When Zhu Lei brought food to Rong Yuan, he also gave one to Feng Qingxue.

"Comrade Jiaoyang promised Comrade Hu Lan to guard her. It was not convenient for her to go out, so she asked me to deliver it. You don't know how excited Battalion Commander Rongyuan was. He kept shouting that he wanted to taste his brother's craftsmanship. Yes. Comrade Jiaoyang made the soup and stir-fried vegetables with the chicken and fish he bought, which made the children very happy. Fubao and Zhuangzhuang both ate a small bowl of rice."

Although Lu Jiang is very approachable, at his level, there is no need to queue up at the service center to buy groceries. Zhu Lei can go directly to pick them up, or wait for them to be delivered directly to his door.

Of course, if you want to eat well, you have to queue up and buy it yourself.

The country's economic difficulties are still there. Although the Lu family has overseas remittance coupons to buy a lot of grain and oil, it is difficult to eat and drink as much as they want every day, which means they can only have more food when there are guests at home.

Feng Qingxue smiled, "Hey, I have to try Comrade Jiaoyang's craftsmanship."

Although her sister is good at housework, she still hopes that her future brother-in-law can share the housework with her sister.

Li Jiaoyang was indeed very good in all aspects, and Feng Qingxue expressed satisfaction.

"Okay, you eat first. I'll come get the lunch box later. I have to deliver it to Comrade Qingyun. Comrade Jiaoyang is worried that the troops are not well fed." Zhu Lei was filled with emotions. He really cared about Feng Qingyun. good.

The artistic soldiers of the art troupe had all started eating, but Feng Qingyun didn't eat and stood on tiptoes to look outside.

Before leaving home in the morning, Li Jiaoyang made an agreement with her to bring her food at noon.

Seeing that it was Zhu Lei who appeared, Feng Qingyun felt a little regretful, "Sorry to trouble you, Comrade Zhu Lei."

"No trouble, no trouble!" Zhu Lei was very glad that he was assigned to Lu Jiang, because the Lu family treated him like a family member. After knowing that his father had Lao Han's legs, Feng Qingxue prepared some for him. Knee pads and medicated oil were sent home.

Between people, good and good are mutual.

Feng Qingyun opened the lunch box, and the warm and fragrant breath hit her face. Her big eyes suddenly narrowed into crescent moons.

They are all her favorite dishes, so good.

"Qingyun, you are so lucky." Zhong Wenxiu was pregnant, and the group did not arrange for her to go out to perform. Shi Xiaohong replaced Zhong Wenxiu and lived in the same dormitory as Feng Qingyun. It was clear that Wu Zhanpeng had developed feelings for Feng Qingyun. He also knew that Feng Qingyun and Li Jiaoyang were now a couple, and their development was so fast that it greatly exceeded the expectations of everyone in the group.

Although Feng Qingyun is young, she has senior qualifications. She was promoted last year and the army received a report and did not interfere with her free love.

Many people in the group felt pity for her that she was with an orphan and reported it vigorously. With the influence of her sister and brother-in-law and her own talents, she could still marry Wu Zhanpeng even if she did not agree to his pursuit. A very good family.

No one expected that this orphan named Li Jiaoyang was actually Rong Yuan's twin brother and the son of Commander Rong!

Not to mention Shi Xiaohong, the entire artistic team who came to perform with the group were shocked. Did Feng Qingyun just grab a golden son-in-law? Commander Rong finally found this son, how could he not do everything he could to treat him well?

After listening to Shi Xiaohong's words, Feng Qingyun didn't think much about it, because she knew that she couldn't influence other people's thoughts. She swallowed the food in her mouth and said with a smile: "My luck has always been very good. It's not like you don't know. I I have a sister who loves me, and I have a family who cares about me." Then she added in her heart that she also has a lover with whom she will grow old together.

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