Tieniu chuckled and said: "We just completed a mission two days ago. The team gave us two days off, so we came to the city to walk around. We found that there were not as many things as our army, so we came empty-handed. , Go back empty-handed. Sister-in-law, who is this lesbian next to you?"

The half of her little face exposed under the scarf was so pretty, white and juicy. Except for Dr. Feng and Battalion Commander Rong’s younger siblings, they had never seen a prettier lesbian than her.

Feng Qingxue slapped him on the arm.

After giving up his seat, Tieniu stood next to Feng Qingxue and received such a slap without any hindrance, "Sister-in-law!"

"This is the daughter of our old friend. She is not as thick-skinned and rough as all of you. She came to live with me for a while. You brats are not allowed to go back and talk nonsense, otherwise you will come to my place for medical treatment next time. I’ll give you a few more injections.”

"Don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense, promise not to talk nonsense!" Tieniu made a sealing gesture.

Just kidding, there are so many people in the army, and there are many brothers from the big courtyard joining the army every year. What should I do if I keep an eye on this little girl?

Even though they all have a crush on the little girl, they know in their hearts that the little girl's family must be extraordinary, and it is not something they, the grassroots soldiers from rural areas, can dream about.

Lu Erxiong had already opened the paper wrapping the donkey roll, and there were only eight pieces of donkey roll inside.

"Er Xiong, why don't you eat?" Luo Xiuxiu noticed that he was biting his lower lip with a very distressed expression.

"There are too many people, not enough!" I thought that if there were only my mother and sister around, they would definitely not eat, and then they would all give it to themselves, but now I saw a large group of people, all brothers in the army, and if I didn't give it to them, they would definitely It will be sad. Lu Erxiong is about to cry. His donkey is rolling. It is not easy for him to eat more than his elder brothers, sisters and brothers.

After hearing this, Feng Qingxue suddenly felt a sense of relief in her heart.

Unknowingly, the most naughty Lu Erxiong also became sensible, so there is a reason why everyone likes him, right?

"Mom won't eat." Feng Qingxue said.

Luo Xiuxiu followed closely and said, "Two bears, I won't eat either."

How could Tieniu and the others not understand what Er Xiong meant? He laughed and said: "Er Xiong, we are adults. Adults don't eat what children eat, so you can eat it yourself!"

"Donkey roll, donkey roll, delicious donkey roll!" Lu Erxiong said seriously.

"We know it's a donkey rolling around, but we don't like eating it, so Er Xiong can just eat it by himself."

As the donkey was rolling, Lu Erxiong put it on Feng Qingxue's lap. He grabbed one with each hand and scanned everyone with his eyes, "It's you who don't want to eat, it's not that I don't give it to you."

"Yes, we won't eat it, we understand it!"

Lu Erxiong whined and ate happily, his cheeks bulging like a little hamster.

Luo Xiuxiu held her chin up and looked at Lu Erxiong's eating habits. She had no time to think about her depression, "Aunt, Erxiong is so good. No wonder my mother told my sister-in-law that when raising children, they must learn from you and Uncle Lu, love but not spoil, use your own Words and deeds influence children. Erxiong knows how to share at such a young age. It must be done by adults often, right?"

Before Feng Qingxue could answer, Erxiong nodded sharply, "If you don't share the food with everyone, the brothers will be sad, and the sister will be spanked. The sister is so bad, didn't I just put her scarf and hat on the snowman? ?Dad has been cleaned up."

"How dare you say that!" Feng Qingxue pinched his nose.

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