Feng Qingxue didn't know about her eldest son's arrival. It was already 2:30 in the afternoon after she finished the operation.

This operation was her second operation today, but it was Doctor Hong's first operation. She was exhausted from two operations in succession and just wanted to have a good rest.

While Feng Qingxue was washing her hands and dealing with the follow-up matters of the operation, Luo Xiuxiu heated up the food and brought it over.

"Auntie, it's time to eat."

The hungry Feng Qingxue did not refuse, picked up the lunch box and started eating.

"Auntie, do you often work so hard?"

"No, it depends on whether there are patients seeking medical treatment." Feng Qingxue smiled after listening to Luo Xiuxiu's words, "I would rather put the medicine on the shelf and hope that people in the world are safe. This is a couplet that many pharmacies have. I also hope I can leisurely write and draw in the office every day and continue to study, instead of doing surgeries or seeing patients, but unfortunately I can’t do that.”

Luo Xiuxiu cupped her chin, "I'd rather take the medicine and live in the dust, and hope that everyone in the world is safe. Aunt, this is such a good thing to say. I also want to be a doctor. Do you think it's still too late for me to study medicine?"

"You want to study medicine?" Feng Qingxue raised her head.

"Yeah!" Luo Xiuxiu nodded quickly.

Feng Qingxue pursed her lips and smiled, "I didn't start getting into medicine until I was eighteen. You are sixteen this year. Of course it's not too late to study. It's time for you to go to high school next year, right? Study hard and try to get admitted to a medical university."

"I want to study with my aunt." Luo Xiuxiu's attitude was very serious, "And I don't know what to do after graduating from high school!"

At that time, there are three paths she faces. One is to work in the city. With the status of the Luo family, this is easy to do. With a high school education, she can find a good job, but her grandfather has never liked it. Her family relied on the power to work, and she didn't want others to gossip, so the second option was to go to the countryside to join the team, and the third option was to join the army.

Most of the children of high-ranking cadres take the first and third paths. Not to mention the children of high-ranking cadres, even people with a certain status will plan for their children in this way. There are very few who go to the mountains and countryside. If there are, Then most of them are elders who have lost power.

Feng Qingxue chewed for twenty or thirty times in a row, and finally with the food in her mouth, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Follow me?"

Luo Xiuxiu's eyes sparkled, "I think Auntie is so amazing! I once met Dr. Guo. He prescribed prescriptions for my grandfather to regulate his body. He told my grandfather that the most proud thing in his life was to have a few good apprentices. , Everyone has the talent to study medicine, and they work very hard. Talent combined with hard work is a must to achieve great results.”

Feng Qingxue felt that Luo Xiuxiu was doing it on a whim, and couldn't help but laugh: "Studying medicine requires persistence and is not something that can be achieved overnight. Whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, and you have your own interests and talents, all three are indispensable."

She first studied medicine for the sake of studying medicine, and then she became interested. After more than ten years of hard work, she has developed to where she is today.

Just as Luo Xiuxiu was about to say something, she suddenly saw the ajar door being pushed open, and two heads peeking in, one up and down. The one above was wearing a ** hat, and the one below was wearing a mink hat, but it was Lu Erxiong.

"Xibao? When did you come?" Feng Qingxue had very good ears and looked over naturally.

Seeing her eldest son, Feng Qingxue was immediately filled with joy.

Xibao got in with a smile and was very flexible, followed by Lu Erxiong.

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