Lu Jiang has been in office for more than half a year. Although the training of the special forces has been on the right track, their training is not over yet. That is, the special forces have not fully deployed because there are too many training contents that the special forces need to receive. Feng Qingxue alone knows These include various physical training, weapon mastering skills, no man's land survival skills, etc.

Every special forces soldier must be an all-round talent and at the genius level.

Seeing their training content, Feng Qingxue always felt that she was too behind in learning.

Because the special forces are responsible for stealing intelligence and other duties, Lu Jiang is currently preparing to find a few people who are proficient in foreign languages ​​​​to teach them foreign languages. He has already reported to the higher authorities. I don’t know if they have given instructions.

Feng Qingxue knew clearly that Lu Jiang was training this special force in the direction of becoming an international special force in the future.

The special forces training program was proposed by Lu Jiang. He is currently in charge of the training. Whether he will eventually be directly led by him depends on his ability to enter the highest military organization. However, the soldiers are selected from all armies. The top talents, Zhan Wufeng, were from the Southwest Military Region, not the Wucheng Army.

The food of the special forces is relatively good, no, it is extremely good, and the nutrition is well-balanced, so most of the soldiers are very strong, but a few of them are thin due to physical reasons. The injured soldiers are lying on the hospital bed with several iron towers falling on it. Like on the ground.

They were trained by Lu Jiang, so Lu Jiang also watched the doctor bandage their wounds in the ward.

Seeing his wife arriving, Lu Jiang stood up and whispered: "One of them is more serious and went directly to the operating room. However, doctors are currently short-staffed, so you have to come and help."

Zhan Wufeng also said, "I'm sorry to trouble you, Doctor Feng."

He was relatively cold, and his voice was hard, with a chill in it.

"Where is the doctor assigned to you by the army?" Feng Qingxue asked as she expertly treated a soldier's wounds, large and small, and checked for internal injuries, bone injuries, etc., very carefully.

The doctors assigned to the special forces units are the best doctors in the Wucheng army and belong to an elite team.

Lu Jiang answered the question with a helpless expression, "I accidentally fell down and broke my right arm."

Feng Qingxue was stunned and naturally had nothing to say.

After quickly handling the injured, Feng Qingxue accidentally discovered that Zhan Wufeng was carefully observing his method of dressing wounds and setting bones. He recalled some first aid information he had compiled and asked Lu Jiang: "Did they do anything during their training?" Including first aid skills? If so, go back and give them the information I accumulated to see if they can be used!"

She has been practicing medicine for more than ten years, and the information she has accumulated is quite different from what it was ten years ago, including her own experience records.

Lu Jiang had this plan and said with a smile: "In this regard, your information is naturally the best, so thank you very much."

Feng Qingxue rolled her eyes at him, "The country attaches great importance to soldiers learning foreign languages. When I was in school, most of the soldiers were placed in the foreign language department. I guess they also need to learn. All the materials I have learned about foreign languages ​​have been saved. If you use Just let me know and I’ll sort it out later.”

Lu Jiangdao: "I just want to tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Feng Qingxue said casually, lowering her head to organize her first aid kit.

Lu Jiang held out two fingers and said, "The army has assigned you two tasks."

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