Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1612 Abandoned baby in front of the car 4

Lu Jiang sent Han Ping and Liu Yan to greet their guests, but kept Director Liu behind. "Send someone to find out who has been wandering in front of the car with a basket, and then ask who has given birth to a child." If the child is left here, usually his home is nearby, not too far away, unless the other party specially comes from a distance."

"Yes, I'll send someone right away."

Director Liu was about to send someone to investigate when Feng Qingxue stopped him, "By the way, let's check if the child was deliberately placed under the front tire of the car to kill the child! This is intentional homicide!"

Director Liu's heart trembled, and he suddenly asked: "Boss, look at it, is it a girl?"

A large part of urban residents come from rural areas. As the director of the police station, Director Liu is often exposed to the following situations. He is aware of the many cases caused by the feudal ideology that favors boys over girls. No matter what is written on the wall, " Propaganda slogans such as "Women hold up half the sky", "Equality between men and women", and "Infant drowning is intentional homicide" still cannot change many people's mentality of favoring boys over girls.

Han Ping once conducted a survey and found that 127 babies died in a certain people's commune within a year, including 108 female babies. They were also just born. Are female babies really not as strong as male babies? Obviously impossible.

Therefore, the causes of death of one hundred and eight female infants can be imagined.

There are always some parents who believe that they have the right to decide the life and death of their children.

Faced with this situation, Director Liu was helpless.

Feng Qingxue asked Lu Jiang to pour hot water, unbuttoned her military coat, coat and cotton-padded jacket, and held the baby in her arms. She was wearing a military coat with lambskin, autumn clothes and long trousers, cashmere clothes and trousers, a mink waistcoat and The cotton-padded jacket issued by the army can be said to be fully equipped. The baby, who seemed to be just a few days old, actually knew how to stick it in her arms to absorb the warmth from her body.

There was nothing in the basket that could reveal the baby's identity. The tattered swaddling clothes and small tattered quilt were washed very clean. Lu Jiang brought warm water and fed the baby a few sips. He untied the swaddling clothes and took a look. Sure enough, it was a baby girl.

"Liu Ran, go to the cafeteria and ask for a bowl of rice soup." There is no milk or milk powder, so we can only feed him some rice soup first.

Liu Ran agreed and left quickly.

Seeing Feng Qingxue wrapping the baby in a cotton-padded jacket and military coat with a gentle expression, Director Liu sighed slightly, "Meeting the two leaders, this child has saved a small life."

No matter what, as long as he is healthy and has food to eat, this child can survive.

At the same time, Director Liu also understood the reason for putting the child under the front tire of the car.

"What's the reason?" Feng Qingxue heard him speak and couldn't help but ask, was there something she didn't know about?

Director Liu whispered: "There is a saying, which is actually a kind of feudal superstition. It is said that the more miserably a baby girl dies after birth, the less likely she is to come back to take revenge on her parents, and the parents will have a boy in their next child. So, Many baby girls died terribly. Some were drowned, some were buried alive, some had their heads smashed, some were strangled, and there were countless ways to die.”

A chill climbed up Feng Qingxue's back, and her face turned as pale as paper.

Under the influence of the Lu family's employment of maids and under Wang Zhengguo's management, the slogan of gender equality after liberation was well publicized. And because Wang Zhengguo doted on his only daughter, the Wanglou Brigade was regarded as the highest-status brigade for girls from all over the country. Even so, there are people who prefer boys over girls in private, not to mention other places?

. . . In the 1980s and 1990s, this situation still existed in rural areas. It was said that the more tragic the death of a female baby, the better. So there is a reason why there are so many bachelors now. Our clan has not married a wife for more than four years. There were more than a dozen bachelor boys in their twenties and early thirties, and there seemed to be some in their early thirties. There were only two girls left who were still married.

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