Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1616 The fox pretends to be the tiger's power 2

Feng Shuanshuan is old and has retired from the position of party secretary. Currently, the former accountant Feng Teng takes over.

Feng Teng is the one who knows the most about Feng Qingxue’s life-saving grace to Caohu Brigade besides Fengzhuan. Because the work value of Caohu Brigade is not high, they can barely guarantee everyone’s food rations by planting large areas of sweet potatoes every year, so they owe Feng Teng the most. Qingxue has never paid back the money. After working hard for several years, she can finally pay her back a hundred yuan.

There was no way to repay it all, so the brigade had to keep some money in its account for emergencies.

Feng Teng walked through the snow to the Wanglou Brigade, handed Wang Zhengguo a hundred yuan, and asked him to remit it to Feng Qingxue. When he came back, he told Feng Shuan, but he heard that the educated youth Ni Hongping was going to marry the eldest daughter of the Fenglei family. information.

Over the past few years, there have been forty or fifty educated youths who have joined the Caohu Brigade, and most of them have settled down, got married, and had children.

For Feng Teng, this development is good, because Caohu Brigade is very poor, and there are many families that favor boys over girls, resulting in more boys than girls. If there are no female educated youth, there will be many gay men who will be single.

"Marry?" Feng Teng frowned.

Marriage is not unusual, but what is strange is that one of the protagonists is Feng Qingshan, which is Dabao's name, and the second treasure's name is Feng Qinghe.

Feng Shuanzhuan nodded and sighed: "Although Xiaoxue has no contact with her two brothers' families, she and Lu Jiang have high status. They usually meet senior cadres and leaders. Speaking of which, we Caohu He is the most famous person in the brigade, and it also benefits his hometown. Feng Lei and Feng Yu will benefit a lot from this. "

Based on the idea that family scandals should not be publicized, outsiders did not know the relationship between Feng Qingxue and her natal brother. Zhao Guihua and Li Guohong, who had returned to their old ways after returning from labor reform, took advantage of the fact that others did not know and only said that they were Feng Qingxue's natal sister-in-law and Lu Jiang. My uncle and sister-in-law actually made friends with a few people who worked in the city. When I went to the city occasionally, I could always buy some processing products through this relationship, such as processing cloth, pig waste, etc. Li Guohong also gave her daughter a big gift Ni found her husband's family in the city.

Feng Teng had nothing to do about this situation, "Forget it, I can't control them. People who are willing to make friends with their family don't have simple ideas. If they know the true relationship between Xiaoxue and her brother and sister-in-law in the future, they deserve not to get any benefits."

"I think so too. Let them go. As long as we don't take advantage of Xiaoxue's power to do evil, we won't come forward." It was Feng Qingxue who saved Feng Shuan's life, and Feng Qingxue also saved many people from the Caohu Brigade. Man, he would not stand by and watch the two brothers Feng Lei and Fengyu and their wives and children bully others.

Feng Teng deeply felt the same, "Brothers Feng Lei and Feng Yu have learned to be smart, and Dabao and Erbao are also very shrewd. They have gained a lot of benefits from using their power, but they have not done anything that is outrageous. The marriage of Dabao this time is between you and me, right?" ?”

"Yes, when I heard that Dabao's aunt was the wife of a military commander and had a high status in the capital, how could that female educated youth care about anything else? I heard from Xiaoxue's second aunt that the educated youth ordered a few female educated youths who were similar to Dabao's age. After a lot of fighting, Ni Hongping, who was the most beautiful, gained the upper hand. " Feng Shuanzhuan frowned and expressed helplessness.

Although the two couples Feng Lei and Feng Yu are not good people, Feng Lei and Feng Yu are good-looking, and Dabao and Erbao are also talented people. They are the most outstanding among the young people in the Caohu Brigade, and they attract some little girls who don't know the details.

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