Chief of Staff Wang was accustomed to seeing his daughter like this.

He knew that he was sorry for his ex-wife, but things had reached this point and were irreversible.

Reaching out and pushing the pile of dough on the coffee table in their direction, Chief of Staff Wang said in a sullen voice: "I was not here when you got married, and now I will make up for your dowry."

He understood his daughter's purpose.

So, without waiting for her to say anything, he went to the bank and withdrew a thousand yuan.

Both sons have children at home, and life is tight. Not only does he have to support his wife, but he also has to subsidize his son, and occasionally he has to subsidize his fellow villagers and the families of martyrs. He can't save much money throughout the year, but he still has a few years ago. I saved this one thousand yuan to avoid being unable to get it out when trouble comes and causing another turmoil.

Wang Xiuhua took it in his hand unceremoniously and handed it to Wan Xinguo, "Didn't Sister-in-law Qingxue mention that Han Pingping has a children's welfare home? Donate the money to the orphanage later to accumulate some goodwill."

In front of Chief of Staff Wang, Wan Xinguo could only say: "Xiuhua, don't do this."

"The money is yours, you can do with it whatever you want." Chief of Staff Wang stood up, "It's getting late, you all should have a good rest!"

Back in the bedroom, he had to comfort his wife, who was seven or eight years younger than him.

Wang Xiuhua lived up to her promise. The next day, she and Wan Xinguo sent 1,000 yuan to the local children's welfare home without leaving a penny for themselves, which greatly alleviated the welfare home's embarrassment.

Since Dang Nianen was sent to the orphanage, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue kept their promise and sent someone to give them fifty yuan every month.

After excluding Dang Nianen's living expenses, the extra part was subsidized to other children in the orphanage.

As a result, the Lu family's expenses have increased.

Because she has to go abroad to attend a medical exchange meeting next year, Feng Qingxue doesn't dare to spend money lavishly. Fortunately, her family doesn't have to make new clothes. She and Lu Jiang both have military uniforms issued by the army, and the children's old sweaters from last year were rewoven with added threads. , add some fabric to the cotton coat, take it apart and redo it, it is enough to cope with this year's autumn and winter.

Except for the beauty-loving Fubao, the adults and children around them were all sewing and mending for three years, but the triplets didn't even think about wearing new clothes. This was probably the reason why the Lu family always had enough food and clothing.

Feng Qingxue breathed a sigh of relief and quickly handed her the sweater she had knitted for Baozhu.

The sweater was too small, and other clothes would inevitably not fit. Liu Zhenguo noticed this, so he directly spent money to prepare a pair of cotton-padded clothes and trousers for Baozhu, bought new shoes, and asked someone to change Baozhu's old clothes from last year to a larger size. , used for washing.

Autumn has just arrived, and winter clothes must be prepared first. This is the case for every household, and the military family members are almost busy.

Although Wang Xiuhua looks ordinary and has big hands and feet, she has good needlework. When she came to the Lu family to visit, she saw Feng Qingxue preparing autumn and winter clothes for her children. She immediately helped, doing it faster and better than Feng Qingxue, and even helped The bedding was dismantled, washed and remade, the core of the quilt was played again, and a pair of woolen socks and a pair of woolen shoes were crocheted for each of the children.

"Xiuhua, your hands are so skillful, I can't crochet." Crocheting requires crochet hooks, and Feng Qingxue has never learned it. The wool thread used by Wang Xiuhua is brightly colored, and the crocheted shoes are very delicate and beautiful.

Wang Xiuhua smiled and said: "Actually, it's the same as knitting. It's just made with a crochet hook. I'll teach you."

"Okay." The skills are overwhelming.

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