Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1641 Brothers and Sisters-in-law 1

Seeing Zhou Zhou's brows, eyes, lips and cheeks dotted with bright smiles, without the miserable expression of crying and pretending to be pitiful when he was a child, Hong Zhanjun's heart became fuller and the wrinkles on his face relaxed.

A girl smiles all the time, which shows that her revolutionary partner makes her feel happy.

"Okay, okay! I'm relieved." Hong Zhanjun patted Guan Yu's shoulder and looked at the tall, handsome young man in front of him. He thought they were a match. You know, it's hard to meet a perfect partner in this world. , "You should go and show your grandma, she must be very happy."

Guan Yu was also happy to get the elder's approval, "Let's go now. I originally planned to see grandma after seeing you."

Then, go see your elder brother again, and visit Lu Tianjun if you have the chance.

They are both in the capital, which makes it easier for them to visit relatives.

"Yes, grandpa, you have your share and grandma's share of the things we brought. Except for clothes, most of the food will be left with you first." No one else can take away the clothes made for grandma, so Zhou Zhou can take them with him. Go up, but you have to guard against the rest of the Zhou family when eating.

It's not that she judges a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart, but that she understands the virtues of the Zhou family too well.

Hong Zhanjun nodded and said, "Okay, don't worry if you leave your things here with me."

"My grandma still lives in the same place, right?"

Hong Zhanjun replied: "Yes, I haven't moved the place and are still guarding her room. Neither your parents nor your uncles and aunts are willing to support your grandma. From time to time, they forget to bring her food. You push it to me." I'd recommend it to you. People say that you need to accumulate grain to prevent hunger and raise children to protect yourself from old age. But if you have too many women here, you'll be in debt. I'm afraid that I'll suffer a loss if I put in too much effort to support the elderly."

He was childless but debt-free, and he met the Lu family's children in his later years, and his life was much more comfortable than that of Grandma Zhou.

Zhou Zhou wished he could have wings between his ribs and fly to his grandmother's side in an instant.

Guan Yu carried the things and followed behind. When he was about to reach the destination, he suddenly reminded: "Buy two hot meat buns for my grandma. I will put the lunch box in my satchel and buy a bowl of porridge."

The heavy snow has just stopped and the snow has not been swept away. The Zhou family must have selectively forgotten the old man again, right?

Zhou Zhou paused and said, "Okay!"

She only thought about seeing her grandma immediately, but she forgot how cruel her parents and uncles were.

The two of them took the national food stamps exchanged in their hometown and bought two steamed buns and a bowl of porridge. The steamed buns were wrapped in oil paper and the porridge was filled in the lunch box. Guan Yu put it in his military coat to avoid getting cold in the wind. The two of them hurriedly took advantage of the heat. Stepping into the small shabby house where Grandma Zhou lived, it was a reverse room in a large courtyard. It was only one room, short and narrow, with a kang occupying half of the room.

The fire under the kang must have been extinguished, and the room was bitingly cold. The old man was sitting on the shabby quilt, with white hair and skinny bones. He opened his eyes and looked at the pair of beautiful women who came in.

Glossy and outstanding.

"Zhouzhou?" The old man recognized his granddaughter at a glance.

Zhou Zhou burst into tears and threw himself on the edge of the kang, "Grandma! I should come to see you every year!"

Grandma Zhou stroked her hair with her bony hands and said with a smile: "Why are you working so hard? Aren't I living well? The things you sent to your Grandpa Hong, your Grandpa Hong brings to me every day when he comes to visit. , I’m not hungry at all, I’m wearing all the clothes you made, and others say I’m lucky.”

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