Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1652 Preparing to build a house 6

Feng Qingxue was stunned for a moment, "My brother is bad. He has parents to teach him and resolve matters face to face. Mom and dad have always made clear rewards and punishments. If he does something bad, he will definitely be punished. He will be punished by not eating and writing big characters. But, you guys Don't get into the habit of scheming against Er Xiong behind your back. You are brothers and your intelligence should not be used in this regard. "

After listening to Feng Qingxue's words, Dundun lowered his head and thought for a moment, then raised his head and said, "I understand, mom."

"I remember it too!" After Zhuang Zhuang finished speaking, he turned his head and coughed a few times. The uncomfortable feeling was a little lighter than yesterday. "Mom, I still want to drink rock sugar pear water. You can wait a little longer and let the fourth brother drink more. Half a bowl?"

Feng Qingxue said distressedly: "Okay, mommy will make you some sugar water in a minute. Let's wash our faces first."

Dundun and Zhuangzhuang followed her obediently to the door of the main room. Half a basin of warm water was already placed on the basin shelf.

Lu Jiang tried his best to make Lu Erxiong understand that wearing girl's clothes would not make him a girl. The naughty boy entered the house dejectedly, pulled off his scarf, kicked off his fur shoes, and took off his red woolen coat and returned it to Fu Bao. , got into his bedroom and got dressed.

Under Feng Qingxue's instruction, Dundun and Zhuangzhuang expressed their apologies to Erxiong who buttoned the wrong button when he came out.

"Okay, you are really bad, you deliberately made me look embarrassed!" Lu Erxiong yelled, jumping up and down, "I'm angry, I'm really angry, I want to eat three bowls of rice, and eat all Dundun and Zhuangzhuang eggs." Eat it, or I won’t forgive you!”

Dundun and Zhuangzhuang thought for a moment and agreed to his request.

Isn't it just two eggs? If they don’t eat today, they can eat tomorrow. Anyway, there is an egg given to them every day. If they can get forgiveness from my dear friend, they will not have any burden.

Everyone was still laughing uncontrollably, feeling that what happened today could be remembered for a hundred years.

Guan Yu and Zhou Zhou did not stay here long, and returned to the capital after staying for two days, taking with them the clothes, shoes, socks, letters and money that Feng Qingxue had prepared for the old people at home.

Although there are few places to spend money, there is still a place to spend money.

The day after they left, Xibao sneaked into his parents' bedroom and handed a handkerchief to his mother.

"What is this?" Feng Qingxue felt heavy after receiving it in her hand.

Xibao sat down on the chair and said, "Sister-in-law Zhou Zhou gave it to me before she left. She said that my mother will go abroad to participate in an exchange meeting next year. The foreign exchange our family will exchange may not be enough, because there are regulations for exchange of foreign exchange. Mother can take the gold bars with her." Sold abroad to exchange money.”

Feng Qingxue opened it and saw that it was indeed a large yellow croaker as long and as thick as two index fingers.

According to the old system, one tael weighs 10 taels, and two taels weighs 20 taels. One tael weighs 37.8 grams, and the total weight is 756 grams.

Although the price of gold has increased internationally, the purchase price of domestic banks is still more than 8 yuan per gram. Calculated at 8 yuan, these two gold bars can be exchanged for 6,000 yuan, which is a huge sum of money, compared with that box of jewelry. The current market price is much more expensive.

The astronomical price of jewelry and jadeite occurred decades later when the economy was developing. At this time, it was really worthless.

"This kid, why are you so polite? You know that our family is not short of money." Feng Qingxue frowned, and she didn't expect that Zhou Zhou would have gold bars in his hands. It seemed to be issued in Shanghai during the Republic of China.

Xibao raised her eyebrows, "Because everyone loves mom very much! Mom is good to us, and we are also good to mom!"

If their mother treats them badly, they will naturally not think about their mother everything.

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