Peace and smoothness, these words express Dean Lin’s blessings to all the children.

Before entering the next room, Feng Qingxue suddenly heard the sound of reading. The voice was very low, a bit like mumbling to herself, but the content was a selection of poems by leaders.

Looking around, they saw a very thin young man in the corner with his back to them, facing the wall and mumbling something.

While reciting the poem, he stretched out his hand and made imaginary scratches on the wall.

Noticing the gazes of Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue, Dean Lin sighed, "His name is Wang Zhao. He is fifteen years old. He has been very smart since he was a child. When I teach children to read, he is always the first to remember that I Teach them to recite quotations and poems, and he can memorize them after listening to them a few times. I know that he really wants to go to school, but life in our orphanage has always been very tight. If it weren't for the support of the two leaders last year, he would have to buy food and vegetables. We may not be able to afford it. I don’t dare to let him go to school. If he goes to school, how can other children who don’t go to school be willing? I can only teach him more of my knowledge.”

Feng Qingxue heard something strange, "This child's surname is Wang?" Didn't it mean that the boy's surname was Guo and the girl's surname was Dang?

Dean Lin made a sound and said in a low voice: "Tell me this, this child came to the orphanage at the age of seven. His real surname is Wang, and his name is Wang Zhao. Since he has an origin, he didn't change his surname."

"What's the origin?" Feng Qingxue asked.

"His father Wang Rong was a veteran. He saved someone eight years ago but died himself. Wang Zhao's mother remarried under the arrangement of her natal family. The other party was unable to raise Wang Zhao, so she was sent to an orphanage." Lin Yuan A little compassion flashed in the leader's eyes, "Wang Zhao went to school. His father always told him that knowledge is everything and he must study hard and make progress every day, so he worked very hard. He was also very sensible and often made paper. Leave it to me to earn money from box jobs.”

Lu Jiang frowned and thought of Guancheng Guanyu's biological mother.

Feng Qingxue looked at Wang Zhao who was immersed in studying, turned to Dean Lin and said: "Tomorrow I will ask someone to send you a set of textbooks, ranging from elementary school to high school, and I will find a way to find you a teacher who is full of knowledge. If someone comes to teach children to read, let the child study hard and don't waste this talent. Reading is a good thing and it is wise and righteous."

Dean Lin was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, leader, for your concern!"

She has read books, and of course she knows that there is no harm in reading, so she has been teaching the children with all her heart, but she is too busy and needs to be responsible for everything in the orphanage, so it is difficult to teach them to read and read every day.

Wang Zhao faintly heard their voices, turned around, and hurriedly came over to say hello.

Seeing his handsome and gentle face, Lu Jiang was shocked, grabbed his arm, stared at his eyebrows, and the hitching post next to his left ear, "Your father's name is not Wang Rong, his name is Wang Erxi, right?" ?”

This look is clearly the same as that of his old comrade Wang Erxi.

Wang Zhao was stunned, shook his head and said: "My father's name is Wang Rong, who is Wang Erxi? I ​​don't know."

"Ajiang, what's wrong? Do you know him?"

Lu Jiang looked at Wang Zhao's face while answering his wife's question, "This child looks very similar to an old comrade I haven't contacted for more than ten years, but he is much younger and looks very immature. The last thing he gave me is One letter is that he gave birth to a son who was born with a bit of a hitch. My child, let me ask you, is your father missing three fingers on his left hand? "

"How do you know?" Wang Zhao blurted out.

Lu Jiang felt sad and happy at the same time.

The good thing is that we finally have news about this old comrade, but the sad thing is that he has died trying to save others.

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