In the era of planned economy, whoever comes up with large quantities of materials will have problems.

Most of the clothing styles in the space are not in line with this era. Food is packed in nylon bags. Most of the cotton purchased by Feng Qingxue in the northwest region is compressed and packed into large bags of one ton. It needs to be used when needed. Use the machine to pop it back up.

She had purchased a lot of well-stretched batting and cotton before, but it was only enough for her relatives and friends. After all, it would take several years.

Feng Qingxue was a little worried. In the current situation, she couldn't do anything good even if she wanted to.

This sad and pitiful look fell in the eyes of Dean Lin. She smiled at the elegant couple in front of her and said, "The two leaders are already very good. Our place is already very good, compared to other welfare homes." The situation is much better. I have something to eat, something to wear, and a place to live. What more do you want?”

Having enough food and clothing has never existed in the orphanage. They just want to survive without starving to death or freezing to death. They endure and wait. As time goes by and they grow up, they can finally earn a way for themselves.

Feng Qingxue pursed her lips and said, "I understand."

Just because I understand, I feel even more pity for these children who have experienced the warmth and coldness of the world since childhood.

The children were very happy, because with the arrival of the leader and his family, they ate sweet candies and fragrant meat buns, which were enough to make them reminisce about the whole year. They couldn't eat such good things during the Chinese New Year. !

Even if it was pumpkin porridge for lunch, they still felt happy.

It's so easy to be content.

The Lu family eats three meals a day in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the same goes for the army. However, many people outside eat two meals a day during winter leisure time, around nine in the morning, two or three in the afternoon, and after five o'clock. When it's dark, they can go to bed and rest. The orphanage also has this two-meal-a-day model, and it has a tendency to be carried forward.

Each person had a bowl of pumpkin porridge, a multigrain roll, stewed cabbage and radish that were bland and almost saltless without any oil star. The radish tassels were pickled into pickles, and the cabbage roots were reluctant to throw away.

The yellow pumpkin rice, with pumpkin chunks and skin, was a bit thicker than the morning, but there was still not a grain of rice in it.

Not to mention rice, not even a single corn crumb was visible.

"Rice and white flour are all fine grains, how can we afford them?" When Lu Erxiong asked why everyone didn't eat rice and white flour steamed buns, Dean Lin explained with a smile, "Although our ration supply contains a certain proportion of fine grains, during the holidays, There will also be an extra pound or two of fine grains, but we rarely buy them unless there is a newborn child in the hospital. Therefore, when we buy grains, we usually replace the fine grains with coarse grains. One pound of fine grains can be exchanged for three or four kilograms of dried sweet potatoes. , can give a person three or four more days of food.”

Lu Erxiong looked at the paper in his hand and frowned, "This doesn't taste good, and the fried vegetables don't taste good either."

"All the brothers and sisters in the courtyard eat this. You think it's not delicious, but they can't even afford two rolls." Feng Qingxue said, "Moreover, they eat this kind of food every day, no steamed buns, no rice. , no white bread, no candy, no cake, no malted milk, no canned lunch meat, no chicken, fish, meat and eggs.”

Lu Erxiong's eyes widened, eating such terrible food every day?

He looked sympathetically at the people around him who were eating rolls, porridge, and cabbage and radishes. They were really pitiful.

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