Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1673 First time on the island 3

Following her future plans, Feng Qingxue practiced calligraphy for an hour, fell asleep on time at nine o'clock, and woke up at 5:30 the next day.

She is used to going to bed early and getting up early, except for accidents at work and life.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face, drank a glass of warm water, moved my hands and feet, and the pointer pointed to six o'clock. There was movement outside, but it was not from the guest house, but the sound of gatherings and slogans coming from outside.

They are now located at the military region headquarters and have few troops. Most of the troops in the entire southeastern military region are distributed among the various armies.

Each army is stationed in different places, all over the southeast. The place where Feng Qingxue and the others went is the southwest corner of Guangdong.

On the map, this location is located at the southernmost point of the continent.

As a new arrival and an unfamiliar place, Feng Qingxue did not go out for a run as usual. Instead, she rearranged her bags, wrapping her military coat and cotton-padded jacket and trousers separately, and then read a book until the waiter brought breakfast.

A big bowl of fish-filled dumplings per person. It was not seasoned well but tasted delicious, but I couldn’t tell what kind of fish it was.

Although she lived in a free society in her previous life, Feng Qingxue lived a simple life and rarely tasted a variety of seafood.

Feng Qingxue folded half the bowl while it was hot and put it into the space. The remaining half bowl was enough for her to eat. She usually had space material subsidies and there was no shortage of oil and water in her stomach. Naturally, she was not like her colleagues who still felt that it was not enough after eating.

At half past seven, the headquarters sent someone to organize them to gather and send them to the boat.

It was not Lu Zhenhua who came, but a guard named Yang and four drivers who came next to the commander. He drove five cars and had to go to the beach by boat. It was not at all what Lu Zhenhua said to take a boat to the island early in the morning, and the headquarters was far away. There is still a long way to go to the seaside, and a car got angry and stalled on the way. It refused to leave no matter what, and it took us until the afternoon to arrive at the pier.

Feng Qingxue somewhat understood why the army sent five vehicles. It was probably because of the major problem of breaking down.

I had a meal at a state-owned restaurant at noon. I said it was a meal, but in fact the food was really good. Braised hairtail fish, steamed sea fish, seaweed and egg drop soup, stir-fried sausage with garlic sprouts, served with rice, but the taste was just average.

They took the army ship to transport supplies and took them with them. A group of doctors didn't worry about it and let Xiao Yang make arrangements for them.

Foreign enemies have assigned their own country's territory to them. The headquarters is very busy and there is really no way to spare two senior generals to take care of them. Yesterday it was Lu Zhenhua, and that was also to welcome the arrival of the two leaders.

Xiao Yang said that he would send them to the island and complete the handover work with the stationed troops, so he also boarded the ship.

It was the first time to take a boat, and it was still a big boat. Feng Qingxue felt it was very fresh. After putting away her luggage, she went to the deck with Minglan and Tang Yan to enjoy the breeze and admire the sparkling waves on the sea. Her mind grew bigger with the wide sea.

Although there is no severe cold in winter and no scorching heat in summer, the twelfth lunar month is winter after all and there is a slight coolness.

Navy uniforms are completely different from army uniforms, but they look the same on guard duty as on the busy navy, with the same dark skin and thick hands and feet.

The sun was strong, and Feng Qingxue was mentally calculating how many bottles of sunscreen there were in the space.

When buying supplies, I first focused on food and clothing, and used the remaining money to buy books, machinery, cosmetics and other indispensable items. The sunscreen costing less than 200 yuan a bottle seemed to only cost 10,000 yuan. I have been using it sparingly throughout the year and only apply it on my face in the hot summer when ultraviolet rays are strong and when I go out.

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