After putting their luggage away, Xiao Yang and the young officer who picked them up came over to show them around the area, mainly where they could enter, where they couldn't go, where they could buy things, where they usually went to eat, etc.

The campsite, family area, and fishermen's residential area are all clearly distinguished, and Feng Qingxue remembers them all in his heart.

During this period, they learned the name of the young officer. His name was Lin Tong. His rank was not low. He was a battalion commander or a captain on the patrol ship. He was currently in charge of patrol work and was temporarily pulled to receive them. Otherwise, the military medical department would definitely receive them. .

Along the way, Feng Qingxue discovered that there were also Army soldiers on the island.

"Comrade Xiao Yang, do the troops have fish to eat every day?" Minglan asked enthusiastically after coming out of the canteen.

When there is no meat, fish is a good thing. She found that Feng Qingxue especially likes to eat fish. She drank the seaweed soup with gusto. Even though braised pork was served along the way, she almost didn't use her chopsticks to eat the meat.

Xiao Yang coughed, "Not really."

Several doctors raised their eyebrows, but they see fish every day!

Battalion Commander Lin Tonglin, who had thick eyebrows and big eyes, smiled and said: "The army has army regulations. Different levels have different meals. Generally, meals are given according to levels. You are all military doctors, and military doctors are also soldiers. You should understand this. But the hospital's The canteen and the military canteen are not in the same department, so doctors and nurses can prepare meals at will. As long as it is cooked in the canteen, if the conditions are good, they will eat meat every time, and if the conditions are not good, they will have soup. This situation is not unheard of, but fish More than meat is a fact, after all, this place is surrounded by the sea on three sides.”

Everyone was smart and nodded to express their understanding, just like the workers of the aquatic products company who get fish tickets every month. In places not close to the sea or water, there is no sign of fish even during the holidays.

Feng Qingxue asked: "If I go to a grocery store to buy fish, do I still need a ticket?"

Lin Tong raised his eyebrows, "You live in the dormitory of the hospital, and it's not in the family area. Do you want to cook?"

"That's not true. I just want to walk around in my free time and buy some local specialties to send home. There are fresh fish and shrimps, and there will definitely be dry goods. Our army rarely sees these things." The person is thousands of miles away. , my heart is concerned about my family.

Lin Tong said, "There is a non-staple food service agency in the family area. You need a ticket to buy meat, but you don't need a ticket to buy fish. If the conditions are good, you can eat fish every day and eat meat every month. If the conditions are not good, you can't bear it even if you don't need a ticket." Buy a fish. The dry goods you mentioned are indeed for sale. There are all kinds of sea vegetables, fish and shrimps, and the prices vary. "

Feng Qingxue was very happy. Although her family could not eat fresh seafood, the dry food was also very good, such as kelp, seaweed, shrimp, scallops, isinglass, abalone, etc., which were very nutritious.

Minglan immediately said: "Doctor Feng, when will you call me?"

His family is old and young, so it would be great to get some seafood to supplement their nutrition.

Feng Qingxue remembered Minglan saying that her children were living with her parents-in-law and husband, and the conditions at home were not as good as those in the army, so she smiled and nodded, "Okay, I have many elderly people and children, so I need to buy more."

Lin Tong couldn't help but said: "That will have to wait for a while. There is now martial law in all areas of the sea, and mailing may be interrupted."

Feng Qingxue hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Battalion Commander Lin, we know how powerful we are and will not violate the rules. We came all the way here just to support the medical work here, and we will definitely not put personal matters above official matters."

Minglan and others nodded.

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