Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1685 Teacher-student reunion 3

Lesbians always have a lot to talk about, and even two people who didn't know each other before are likely to hit it off immediately.

When Sister-in-law Lei put the dry goods in cloth bags, Sister Liu said to Feng Qingxue: "Sister Qingxue, if you don't like the food in the canteen, just buy your own food and let the cook cook it for you. Please give me some oil." Just pay the processing fee. My large yellow croaker is very fresh. In addition to large yellow croaker, there are also sea bass and hairtail, which are hard to find in the north. "

Feng Qingxue's heart moved, could this be done?

Liu Meizi saw that she was a little interested and continued to promote the seafood she sold.

"Liu Sister, forget it today. I have something to do later. I'll see if I can borrow cooking utensils. If so, I'll come back to buy fish tomorrow." Feng Qingxue was thinking about buying pearls and had no intention of going to the canteen to find a cook. Help with cooking.

Only then did Liu Meizi give up.

After Feng Qingxue finished buying the seafood she liked, she also bought some fruits, cakes and candies as gifts for visiting Stationmaster Gu.

The old squad leader bought it without paying attention to her. After seeing it, she kept saying: "What are you buying these for? What are you buying these for? We are going to the purchasing station, not to the home of webmaster Gu. Besides, even if we go to webmaster Gu's home, No need to buy anything.”

"Just a little thought, old squad leader."

The old squad leader said helplessly: "You are too polite."

The items have been purchased and it is unrealistic to return them, so I can only carry them to the purchasing station.

The country has a unified purchasing and marketing policy. People in the countryside generally sell their fruits, vegetables and crops to supply and marketing cooperatives. In cities, there are purchasing stations to purchase various items. The materials collected by supply and marketing cooperatives are generally sent to non-staple food stations and purchasing stations, and then Then they are assigned to various stores. In big cities such as the capital Shanghai, there are also special cultural relics stores to purchase antiques.

After hearing the purpose of the old squad leader and Feng Qingxue's visit, Station Commander Gu pondered for a moment and said: "There is nothing impossible about this, but it is not the pearl fishing season. Last autumn, the Yue Kingdom harassed the border unscrupulously, and not many pearls were collected. Most of them were It’s exported, and the new pearls are usually sent by fishermen and cooks.”

"Lao Gu, take out as much as you have!"

Stationmaster Gu smiled after listening to the old squad leader's words, "That's okay, you follow me."

The buying station has rooms and cabinets dedicated to pearls. Stationmaster Gu opened the lock and took out several boxes. The pearls inside were sorted according to color, shape, and size, which were clearly visible at a glance.

"These are exported Hepu pearls. They are not artificially cultured and the quantity is small." Stationmaster Gu pointed to the best pearl.

Each jade bead is round and crystal clear, with a diameter of more than eight millimeters and very few flaws.

Feng Qingxue liked it very much and asked about the price. One pound was only fifty or sixty yuan. The webmaster Gu gave her a calculation of fifty, and the next best price was ten or twenty yuan. Irregular-shaped pearls were a few yuan a piece. Jin, it’s so cheap.

No wonder the old squad leader gave the half bottle of pearls as he asked.

Feng Qingxue stared at the boxes of fine pearls, including black pearls, white pearls, pink pearls and gold pearls. The sunlight slanted into the window, creating a five-color halo, which was very gorgeous.

"Stationmaster Gu, please weigh it and settle the account. I'll take all of it."

Hearing Feng Qingxue's words, the old squad leader suddenly opened his mouth.

Stationmaster Gu shook his head and said: "No, I can give you half at most, and you have to export it for foreign exchange!"

"Half is half." It's too much, and half of the top-quality pearls exceeded Feng Qingxue's psychological expectations. She thought she could get 30% at most. After all, the acquisition station is a national unit, and foreign exchange is particularly important.

. . The price of pearls is nonsense, don’t check it, but in the 1980s, the best Hetian jade seeds only cost 100 yuan per kilogram.

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