Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1689 Spring comes out of dead wood 3

Doctor Guo's attitude towards his nephew's wife was completely different from that of his daughter-in-law. He smiled and said, "She is my eldest brother's student. Her name is Feng Qingxue. She is also a military doctor seconded from the Capital Military Region. The game and mountain products I bring you are her filial piety." Mine. I didn’t know she was here until I met her today. Let her come to our house and recognize her, so that you won’t meet you face to face in the future. "

"Hello, sister-in-law, I took the liberty to come here and apologize for disturbing you." Feng Qingxue handed over the fruit she originally bought for herself.

"It's the doctor. He looks really handsome. Come and sit in the room. Just come. What can you bring? You're so polite." Xu Xiaoman was too embarrassed to accept it, so Doctor Guo took it and hung it on the wall.

When Xu Xiaoman poured tea for Feng Qingxue, Feng Qingxue accidentally saw the photo of Webmaster Gu in the photo frame.

They both have the surname Gu, are they the same family?

Stationmaster Gu was only in his thirties, and he didn't look like the nephew Gu Tian that Doctor Guo said he had.

Putting aside the doubts in her heart, Feng Qingxue sat on the sofa and asked Dr. Guo what was going on at home. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were not getting along, and the old man was living in his nephew's house. It was a mess.

Dr. Guo sighed, and she felt terrible too.

Her only son is named Gu Qing. He is forty years old this year and is a navy stationed locally. He is now a deputy commander. He was originally a very honest, honest and filial child, and she has never had to worry about it. Since fifteen years After marrying his wife, he became a rake. She pointed east, but he did not dare to go west. The salary subsidy was given to his mother-in-law's family.

Shen Xiufen not only favors sons over daughters, but also devotes herself wholeheartedly to her mother's family. The value of her existence is to promote her younger brother and take care of him, his wife, his children, and the family's eating, drinking and sleeping habits.

Gu Qing's salary of nearly 200 yuan a month plus subsidies, of which 150 yuan was spent on Shen Xiufen's natal brother.

For the sake of her natal brothers, Shen Xiufen treated her two biological daughters extremely harshly, fourteen-year-old Gu Mei and eight-year-old Gu Min. They never wore a new piece of clothing or had a full meal at home. Being beaten and scolded was a common occurrence. The reason why he didn't starve to death was because his nephew Gu Tian and his niece-in-law Xu Xiaoman secretly helped him out of gratitude for their kindness in raising him.

Dr. Guo was busy with work and hadn't been home for many years. He didn't know everything until he retired and was turned away by Shen Xiufen. Today he went to visit his granddaughter and happened to encounter Shen Xiufen beating her granddaughter because the granddaughter didn't take care of her mother's family. Nephew does homework.

Naturally, Dr. Guo couldn't stand his daughter-in-law's behavior, and a quarrel broke out that Feng Qingxue saw.

"My nephew has had no father or mother since he was a child. When his uncle and I got married, he was only seven years old. He was as skinny as a monkey. He followed our husband and wife in the army and grew up hungry and well-fed. He died at the age of sixteen. The army, and later the navy was formed, and he was assigned to the navy by the country. He was diligent and conscientious. Now he is a division commander. The whole family is here. The eldest son Gu Zheng works at the acquisition station and is married and has children. The second son Gu Jing Congjun is currently in the Baozhou Army of the Capital Military Region, and his younger son Gu is in the Fisheries Company.”

When Dr. Guo said this, he rubbed safflower oil on his little granddaughter and said: "I have never raised a good son in my life, but I have raised a good nephew and married a good niece. My grandnephew and grandnephew's wife are also good." My son, I’ll introduce you to him some other time.”

It turns out that Shen Xiufen is not only an evil wife, but also a demon who helps her younger brother!

Feng Qingxue comforted: "Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite. If you want to be more open-minded, you will always have a pension. If you continue to work, you will still have wages. You also have filial Brother Gu and Sister-in-law Gu. You will be able to spend your old age peacefully." ”

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