Two days after the topping was completed, the Lu family's new house was successfully completed.

The walls of the bungalow are evenly pasted with a layer of cement on the inside, outside and on the top, polished very smooth, and splashed with water to prevent cracking. The east and west side houses are made of red bricks and blue tiles, and the house has also been paved with cement floors, both inside and outside. It is very neat and clean. Even the courtyard walls, gatehouse and a small kitchen on the east side of the gatehouse are all made of bricks. It can be called the first in the Wang Tower Brigade.

Wang Jiao walked around and around, feeling extremely envious. She turned around and said to Zhang Yuejin: "Zhang Yuejin, hurry up and save money. Let's try to build a bungalow next year and live there for seven or eight years. When Goudan gets a wife, we will too." Not a loss.”

Miao Fengqin stared at her, what are these words?

If other families have the conditions, it is almost time to marry a wife. They will build a new house for their son and live in the old house for themselves. It is better for her daughter to build a new house first for herself to live in, and then use the old house to marry her son for a wife.

Zhang Yuejin was also envious of the Lu family's new house and courtyard, and he agreed to his wife's proposal without caring about his mother-in-law's glare at his wife. He discussed with his wife enthusiastically: "Let's build the bungalow first, and postpone the rest. Thirty thousand A brick costs more than 800 yuan, Jiaojiao, I will definitely save money. We can renovate the old house and save a lot of money without having to buy a homestead."

Wang Jiao thought about it for a while, "We have more than four hundred yuan in hand. If you save hard for a year, you can end up with two hundred yuan, which will be six hundred. I will write to Xiaoxue later and ask her Borrowing two hundred yuan, your parents can't afford to spend nothing, right? When your brother built a house of half bricks and half adobe, we paid two hundred yuan. You will never pay that two hundred yuan! Look at it now, your brothers live in a brick house, and we still live in a shabby thatched house!"

"Yes, yes, my wife understands justice. My parents will definitely not stand by and watch, and my brother will not pretend not to know." Zhang Yuejin bowed his hands and didn't even mention that his parents usually took his four children to the old house. Their children live there, and the couple spend most of their time living in a small house assigned to them in the city.

Miao Fengqin was too lazy to pay attention to them.

Zhang Yuejin's house is now Wang Jiao's talking point. She says one thing and no one says anything else.

Zhang Yuejin's parents worked hard and couldn't save much money all year round. The younger son Zhang Guangrong relied on the subsidies from his older son to grow up smoothly. However, he is too honest and honest, and his mouth is stupid. He can't kick a fart with three feet. If it weren't for the good life of the Wanglou Brigade, he wouldn't even be able to find a wife.

There are always many bachelors in other brigades, but not in our Wanglou Brigade. Unmarried young men are simply famous far and wide.

Even so, after the wedding date was set seven years ago, the woman also put forward several conditions before she was willing to marry. She needed a betrothal gift, a new set of clothes, a new house and a new quilt. It's inconvenient for the boss to live together.

Zhang Yuejin's parents wanted to break off the engagement at that time, but Zhang Guangrong refused to marry Feiqing. In the end, the elder had no choice but to compromise.

The old couple prepared a new bed, quilt and clothes, but the money they had was very limited. The remaining two hundred yuan came from Wang Jiao. Even though she was still too lazy to do housework, Zhang Yuejin's father Mother is still very satisfied with this daughter-in-law. They take care of her eldest son's three grandchildren and one granddaughter, so Wang Jiao doesn't have to worry about them at all.

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