Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1702 They are all acquaintances 4

Feng Qingxue took them back to the dormitory, used the hot water on the briquette stove to mix two basins of warm water, wiped the children's bodies, turned on the electric fan in the bedroom to let Cheng Baoguo and Wang Cuilan cool down, and handed them wet towels to wipe their faces.

Pour water and get fruit.

By the time everyone breathed a sigh of relief and regained some energy, it was already past three in the afternoon.

"Third uncle and third aunt, have you had lunch for lunch? If not, I will make you some cold noodles to cushion your stomach."

Wang Cuilan drank coconut juice, "I really haven't eaten yet, I got off the boat at noon."

Feng Qingxue immediately put on her apron, "You guys have a good rest, and I'll mix the cold noodles for you down there. Erxiong, don't stand in front of your grandparents. If you stand in front, your grandparents will blow the wind."

"It's okay, it's okay. How much wind can such a small person block?" Cheng Baoguo protected him and pulled Dundun and Zhuangzhuang over to get some wind.

Five grandparents and grandchildren huddled in front of an electric fan, but they didn't feel too hot.

Fu Bao wiped some cream on his face and followed him into the kitchen, "Mom, let me help you!"

"No, Fubao, it's hot here. You go sit on the bed and rest." Feng Qingxue opened the stove door, and the fire in the briquette stove suddenly became bright. There was a steel pot filled with half a pot of water sitting on the stove. pot.

Fu Bao shook his head, "There are so many people, and the room is very hot."

Feng Qingxue tapped her forehead. While the water was boiling, she washed a few cucumbers, cut them into shreds, added a little salt and five-spice powder, poured in garlic juice and vinegar, stirred evenly, and waited for the water to boil. Put two handfuls of noodles directly into the pot.

When the noodles are cooked, take them out of cold water, put them in an enamel basin, add garlic juice and cucumber shreds, mix them, and the cold noodles are ready.

Feng Qingxue was holding a basin of noodles, and Fu Bao was holding a bowl and chopsticks. Mother and daughter walked into the bedroom one after another. Feng Qingxue said: "Third uncle, third aunt, come, let's eat some cold noodles first."

There were not enough rice bowls, so Feng Qingxue put the basin on the bedside table and served them noodles one by one.

For a moment, the room was filled with the sound of noodles being sucked.

Although the Lu family pays attention to table manners, they are so hungry after traveling all the way that no one cares about etiquette. Fortunately, etiquette is deeply ingrained in their bones, and they eat quickly but elegantly.

Speaking of which, one way to eat ramen is to slurp it very loudly.

Feng Qingxue didn't dare to make too many noodles. It was only enough for them to eat half full. Soon the basin was bottomed out. She took over and put the plates, bowls and chopsticks into the basin, "Uncle Three, Aunt Three, take a rest for a while. Tonight I stayed at Dr. Guo’s house. I told her during the day that she is my master’s sister. I don’t know if you have met her.”

"Guo Ming's sister? Isn't she Guo Xia? I've met her. Your aunt's biological sister, her husband's nephew Gu Tian is a soldier of your third uncle! Isn't she a military doctor? She used to follow the frontline troops in and out of the battlefield. She is not young. "Wang Cuilan touched Erxiong's belly and rubbed it. Among the children, he ate the fastest.

"It's her. She's sixty this year. After she retired, she was hired back to work in the hospital here. Mr. Gu Tian and Gu are here." Feng Qingxue knew for the first time that Gu Tian was actually a subordinate of Cheng Baoguo, and she was not surprised.

Cheng Baoguo and Wang Cuilan didn't take it seriously.

When it was time to get off work, Feng Qingxue took them to Dr. Guo's house with the ingredients and grains she bought today. Dr. Guo just arrived at the door on his bicycle. He was surprised when he saw them, and then his eyes fell on Cheng Baoguo and Wang Cuilan. His eyes were full of inquiry.

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