Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1707 Shredded Pork with Beijing Sauce 3

After three rounds of drinking, Dr. Guo found that the soup in front of Zhuang Zhuang had not touched at all, and he only took a few bites of cold cucumber and tomato scrambled eggs.

"What's wrong with Zhuangzhuang? Is it not to your liking?"

Feng Qingxue hurriedly said: "No, no, he can't eat seafood because he is allergic to seafood."

My family members all know this and pay special attention to it.

Dr. Guo was startled, "Oh, what can we do? How can we not try the seafood here when we come to the beach? You don't have to eat meat, but you must eat seafood. Is Zhuang Zhuang allergic to all seafood, or is he allergic to some of them? What kinds of seafood are you allergic to? I have seen people allergic to shelled seafood, such as crabs, lobsters, and scallops, but not to marine fish.”

"He is weak and I don't dare to ask him to try it casually." The mother is reluctant to let her son be a guinea pig. Anyway, their family has no shortage of food. They can't eat seafood, so they make up for it in other ways.

Wang Cuilan interjected: "Zhuang Zhuang is not allergic to kelp and seaweed. The dry goods you sent home are often made at home. Zhuang Zhuang wanted to try it, but I couldn't resist him, so I let him drink half a bowl of seaweed and egg drop soup and eat it too. I have eaten cold kelp and there is no allergic reaction. However, he can’t eat dried shrimps and red-mouthed snail meat. I haven’t tried it yet whether he can eat sea fish.”

Feng Qingxue felt sorry for her son, "I won't try it anymore, I won't try it anymore, I will only suffer if I am allergic to it."

When medicine advances, take Zhuangzhuang for an allergen test.

"Oh, Zhuangzhuang is so unlucky!" Lu Erxiong peeled off a shrimp, dipped it in the seasoning, and stuffed it into his big mouth.

Zhuangzhuang snorted, "You think everyone is like you. You just eat, you don't read books well, you don't do homework well, and less than half of the papers the teacher gives you fail."

Lu Erxiong, who was sitting opposite him, punched him in vain, "You are the only smart one, and even smart people won't complain!"

"You dare to try and see if mommy will hit you or blame me." Zhuangzhuang was not afraid at all.

Doctor Guo smiled from ear to ear, "Sister-in-law Cheng, are they so lively every day?"

Wang Cuilan nodded, "There will be more lively times, you will know in the future. With these children, we can solve a thousand worries with a smile."

A smile can solve a thousand worries?

It is true that Dr. Guo has long ago thrown his troubled son and wife out of the sky.

After arranging accommodation for the night, Feng Qingxue originally wanted to take Wang Cuilan and Fubao back to the dormitory, but the triplets were unwilling.

Zhuang Zhuang and Lu Erxiong held Feng Qingxue's arms, one on each side, and refused to let go.

Dr. Guo said in a funny voice: "I have four rooms upstairs. I can take the two girls to live in one room. It's not like we can't accommodate you in the remaining three rooms. Why are you going back? Aren't you tired of walking? I have a window on the second floor. Open it wide and have ventilation on all sides, so it’s much cooler than your dormitory with narrow windows and small windows.”

She had asked Feng Qingxue to move here before, but she didn't get permission.

"Then I have to go back. I'll bring the electric fan here and wash the children's clothes." Doctor Guo's house has a room, but there is only a ceiling fan downstairs and a desktop electric fan in her bedroom.

In the hot summer, the days without a fan at night are almost like a year.

Lu Erxiong stayed upstairs for a while. He felt too hot and the wind from the fan could not blow on him. He ran directly to Dr. Guo and asked her to borrow some mats to spread on the ground downstairs. The tables and chairs were moved aside and he lay down on them. , crossed his legs, "I'll sleep here."

He also brought Ye Yan and Dundun Zhuangzhuang together.

Ye Yan and Dundun looked at Dr. Guo and did not dare to agree directly.

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