Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1711 Substituting one thing for another 1

Lu Erxiong ran fast, his voice fell, and people entered the room, and Dr. Guo was about to go to the hospital.

"Who's looking for me?" Doctor Guo picked up the big straw hat and put it on his head.

Lu Erxiong stood under the ceiling fan and pointed in the direction of the door, "I don't know his name. My sister calls him Uncle Shi. I should have met him, but I was too young when I met him, so I don't recognize him now." normal!"

Doctor Guo found it very funny. It was a question of knowing or not knowing, and the little guy actually came up with such a reason.

After Feng Qingxue finished washing the dishes and went into the room to enjoy the air, she couldn't help but said, "Auntie, don't listen to his nonsense."

"Let me see who it is."

Doctor Guo walked out of the hall, and Gu Mei walked into the courtyard with a middle-aged man in his forties.

Seeing this man's facial features, Doctor Guo suddenly felt a sense of trance.

"You're looking for me?" Why does it give her an indescribable sense of intimacy?

The chest seemed to be full, as if half of the heart was missing before, and it was only now that it could be filled.

Shi Guantao looked at the old woman who stood still after seeing him with a complicated expression. Seeing that her figure was shaking a little under the scorching sun, Shi Guantao took big steps and was in front of her in an instant. He put down his luggage bag and held her hand. arm.

Lu Erxiong just didn't want to go out because of the heat. After reporting the letter, he sat down on the mat and kept saying it was so hot outside.

Sister-in-law Gu was worried that the heat would damage the child. She saw her aunt and the person looking for her standing opposite each other in the yard without speaking, so she walked straight over and said, "Aunt, if you have anything to say, come inside and talk to me. I'll call the child in."

Doctor Guo responded, and Shi Guantao also raised his head to look at Sister-in-law Gu.

The moment she saw Shi Guantao's face clearly, Sister-in-law Gu blurted out: "Third uncle?"

"Third uncle?"

A voice of doubt escaped from Doctor Guo's mouth. Before she could speak, Mrs. Gu shook her head violently, "No, no, it's not the third uncle. The third uncle has been sacrificed for many years."

Doctor Guo suddenly grabbed Shi Guantao's arm that was supporting him, and his eyes fell on his face, "Xiaoman, you said he looks like your uncle?"

The third uncle in Mrs. Gu's mouth is Doctor Guo's husband, and the third brother.

Sister-in-law Gu came closer and looked at it for a moment, "At first glance, there was a resemblance, and the expression and aura were similar. I really thought it was the third uncle who had come back. But when I looked carefully, I felt that the features, eyes, mouth, and nose didn't look like the third uncle. Maybe I was dazzled. "

"When I first saw him, I felt familiar, as if I had seen him before somewhere."

Feng Qingxue followed Aunt Gu and stood at the door of the hall. She recognized Shi Guantao at a glance. She was about to say hello when she heard the conversation between Doctor Guo and Aunt Gu. She couldn't help but glance at Shi Guantao, who was dark and rough. His weathered face looked ten years older than Lu Jiang, so there was no telling who he looked like.

If I remember correctly, Shi Guantao is younger than Lu Jiang!

"Aunt, sister-in-law, if you have anything to say, let's go into the room and talk. He is Lu Jiang's comrade. His name is Shi Guantao. I know him."

After hearing this, Doctor Guo hurriedly invited Shi Guantao to come in.

Shi Guantao bent down and picked up the luggage bag on the ground, and said hello to Feng Qingxue when he entered the room.

Cheng Baoguo saw Shi Guantao and said casually: "Guo Xia, is she a relative of the old Gu family?"

Doctor Guo caught what he said, "Brother Cheng, you said he is a relative of the Gu family?"

"It's obvious, look at it, this body, this momentum, this swagger, and this expression, doesn't it look like your Gu Datou?" Cheng Baoguo touched the stubble on his chin after saying this, "It's strange , looks so similar, but if you look closely at the facial features, you don’t think they are alike.”

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