Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1714 Substituting one thing for another 4

As soon as these four words fell to the ground, Doctor Guo was stunned.

"You said you are the son of me and Gu Datou? What about Gu Qing? Who is Gu Qing? I just gave birth to a child!"

Her almost whispering and trembling voice entered Shi Guantao's ears, and the bitterness on his face became even stronger.

Feng Qingxue then said: "That's not right. Thirty-nine years ago, Shi Guantao, you were born at the right time. You were three years younger than Lu Jiang. You were born in 1935, but wasn't Captain Gu Qinggu forty years old?"

Dr. Guo burst into tears, "Forty years is the normal age. Your family always refers to one year old. My son was indeed born thirty-nine years ago. He is thirty-nine years old, so he is actually forty years old. That's right. That's right. But why is my son not with me? Who is the Gu Qing in front of me?"

Cheng Baoguo and Wang Cuilan were stunned and felt cold all over.

At this moment, they were actually glad that they didn't have children and didn't let others change their lives.

Li Jiaoyang was lent to his old comrades by Commander Rong and was taken back to his hometown and never returned. He was missing for more than 20 years before being found due to wind and snow. The old couple privately said that it was unbelievable. They did not expect that there would be something even more bizarre. Happening before our eyes.

Shi Guantao's eyes were sour, "Is the son in front of you named Gu Qing?"

Seeing Doctor Guo nodding, he said: "If my elder brother didn't lie to me, then this Gu Qing should be the real Shi Erdan. He was born on August 14th of that year, and I was born on August 15th. Gu Qing in the early morning.”

His nickname is Shi Erdan. The name Shi Guantao was given to him by Lu Jiang after he joined the army. It was Lu Jiang who taught him how to read and write.

"On the day I gave birth, the farmhouse where I stayed overnight did indeed give birth to a boy. However, I was born prematurely, caused by traveling long distances. The two of us worked together, and she gave birth smoothly. She was born in the evening, in August. Fourteen, I was born in the middle of the night, on August 15th.”

When Dr. Guo said this, he said blankly: "How could this happen? How could this happen? The son I gave birth to did not grow up in front of me, but I raised other people's children for thirty-nine years? How could this happen? How could this happen? ? God, how could this happen?"

She kept repeating her question to God. Wang Cuilan understood very well and walked over to hold her hand.

Shi Guantao saw it all, but he came here just to seek the truth.

"My eldest brother said that Gu Datou was the commander of a regiment at the time, and the troops he led were stationed in our village. They were so majestic that the landlords were as scared as their grandchildren. In addition, Dr. Guo's family has been practicing medicine for generations, and he seemed to be very powerful, so he stayed here for a while. It was time to give birth, and the sale would cost thirty dollars. Being their son was ten times a hundred times better than being a country boy, so they exchanged the two children. Anyway, the newly born children all looked the same. Dr. Guo, you had given birth at that time. The child was exhausted and fell asleep, so there would be no clues. When I say this, I actually know that it is difficult to win people's trust, because I only have one side of my brother's story, and I am not sure whether this is true or not, and I can't prove whether I am the one. The real Gu Qing.”

"Then why are you here..."

Shi Guantao answered Feng Qingxue seriously: "Whether it is true or false, I think I have to come and see Dr. Guo with my own eyes. If it is false, I will go back. If it is true, Dr. Guo is so big Age, I have to see if she is well in her old age.”

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