Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1716 The truth comes to light 2

"I have seen him. He is the commander of our division. When we were training, he often came to inspect. I was young at the time, and I was dumbfounded and couldn't speak. He even told his older comrades to take care of me."

Therefore, when he learned that he was Gu Datou's son, Shi Guantao had mixed feelings in his heart, and he couldn't tell what it was like.

Hearing these words, Dr. Guo suddenly burst into tears, crying so hard that the sky and the earth changed color, "But he doesn't know that you are his son. Even if I take you to his tomb, he won't know."

There was a rumble and there was thunder outside.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark outside, Feng Qingxue directed her children to go upstairs and close the windows, while she and Wang Cuilan went to collect the clothes hanging in the yard. Just as they took the clothes into the house, heavy rain started pouring down.

The wind was blowing loudly, and the heavy rain was flying sideways, knocking on the doors and windows, making a faint sound of metal and stone.

Shi Guantao hurriedly comforted Dr. Guo, "God has shed tears on your behalf, so please stop crying."

Lu Erxiong poked the dimple on his cheek, crawled from the mat to sit in front of the mother and son, "Is Uncle Shi the son of Grandma Guo? Just like I am my mother's good son."

"Yes, uncle is grandma's son, her biological son." Doctor Guo stopped crying, but hiccupped.

"Grandma should be happy, why are you crying? My mother is very happy when she sees me."

Dr. Guo raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, his smile was very stiff, "I am different from your mother. I lost my son and have not been kind to him for decades, so I will be sad when I see him again."

"Isn't it found now? Just like Grandma Rong found Uncle Jiaoyang, she is very happy."

Doctor Guo was stunned, "Yes, yes, you are right, I should be happy, I should be happy."

Shi Guantao still said the same thing, asking her to investigate before drawing a conclusion.

He was very insistent, and Dr. Guo smiled bitterly, "It has been almost forty years since the incident, and the parties involved are no longer here. How can we investigate? Anyway, I believe you are my son, and that is enough."

Shi Guantao believes that it is impossible to convince the public and it is easy for others to leave excuses for making irresponsible remarks.

Feng Qingxue thought for a while and then interrupted: "What's your blood type?"

"O type." Shi Guantao replied without thinking.

Feng Qingxue asked Dr. Guo and Gu Datou their blood types again. Dr. Guo's eyes lit up, "Type O, Datou and I are both type O. I became attached to him. It was during the Anti-Japanese War that I donated my blood to him! Later, He cooked pork liver rice for me every day, and we slowly got together. Xiaoxue, I remember you said that children born to boys and girls with these two blood types will only have type O blood, right?"

"Yes!" In the absence of DNA paternity testing technology, blood relationships can only be guessed based on blood type. "If Gu Qing has type O blood, then it will be difficult to determine which one is true and which one is false. There is nothing I can do. If he is someone else, What about blood type?”

As long as Gu Qing has a blood type other than O, you can be sure that he is not the son of Gu Datou and Doctor Guo.

Doctor Guo stood up suddenly, "Gu Qing had never been injured and needed blood transfusions when he was growing up in front of me, nor had he donated blood to others, so I don't know his blood type. However, everyone who joins the army will participate in physical examinations, and military officers will check In more detail, if you are injured and need a blood transfusion, you can get the corresponding plasma at any time instead of testing. The testing station was delayed. I called Gu Tian and asked him to ask Gu Qing's blood type. I asked him to come back. ”

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