"Happy baby!" Feng Qingxue was surprised and happy, her heart almost jumped out of her chest, her joy was indescribable.

"Brother!" Several children shouted in unison, cheering and rushing to him to surround him. Lu Erxiong even hugged his waist and abandoned Lu Jiang ruthlessly.

Lu Jiang's face was already dark, but now it's getting darker.

Xibao's arms were held by Dundun and Zhuangzhuang respectively, holding them tightly, making it difficult for him to move even an inch. He had no choice but to smile at Fubao, who couldn't catch up with him, with soft eyes that seemed to comfort him.

Then, he looked up at Feng Qingxue, "Mom, are you happy to see me?"

"Happy, I'm so happy!" Feng Qingxue threw her luggage to the guard and walked quickly to her eldest son. As time went by, although the child's facial features were still very similar to Lu Jiang's, his lines were different. He is softer than Lu Jiang. One of the father and son is handsome and tough, while the other is handsome and tends to be gentle.

Lu Jiang had already greeted everyone and came over and said, "Xibao said he wanted to give you a surprise."

So, it wasn't that he didn't tell his wife on purpose.

Feng Qingxue rolled her eyes at him, stretched out her hand to touch her eldest son's face, and straightened the collar of his shirt, "Where is your grandfather? Is he also in the capital? Is it the capital from home, or the army that went first?"

Xibao smiled and said, "During the holidays, my grandfather and I went to the army together. I came to the capital with my father and currently live in Uncle Jiang's house."

Uncle Jiang is Jiang Yun. After Jiang Xiaoyue married Lu Tianjun, she naturally paid attention to her title.

Feng Qingxue hummed, "Then you should have met Chenchen. From the time Chenchen was born to now, he has been living in your Uncle Jiang's house. I have never seen him. I only have the photos sent by your sister-in-law Xiaoyue."

"She looks like sister-in-law Xiaoyue, only her eyebrows and eyes resemble her elder brother." As Xibao spoke, he finally broke free from the encirclement.

Lu Jiang stretched out his hand to support Feng Qingxue's arm, "Get in the car, we'll talk about it when we get back."

The group of people left the airport by car and went to his residence first to rest for a while and take care of themselves. Then they headed to Jiang's house, carrying two bottles of Maotai that they planned to collect and two large bags of fruit, and bought more on the way. Order overpriced items for kids to eat.

Jiang Yun was not at home, but Jiang Xiaoyue was there, with her right arm in a plaster hanging on her chest.

Feng Qingxue was taken aback. She ignored Father Lu who was sitting on the sofa teasing his grandnephew and asked hurriedly: "Xiaoyue, what's wrong with your arm?"

Jiang Xiaoyue shrugged and said nonchalantly: "In order to save a recruit, he was injured, suffered a comminuted fracture, and broke two tendons. Although he had asked the best doctor in the military hospital to perform an operation to reattach the bones and tendons, he still would be injured. The doctor said that he will not be able to do heavy work in the future and will not be able to stay in the army. "

Feng Qingxue felt extremely distressed, "How long has it been? Does it hurt? Your uncle didn't even tell me when he saw me."

"What happened two months ago no longer hurts. Aunt, you don't have to worry." Jiang Xiaoyue was still very cheerful and optimistic, comforting: "It's good to retire. I finally have time to accompany Chenchen every day. Aunt, You haven't seen Chenchen with your own eyes, have you? Come on, look at your obedient grandnephew. Grandpa said he is as obedient as Xibao was when he was a child. "

After saying that, Jiang Xiaoyue waved to her son, "Chenchen, come here, let Second Grandma hug you."

The words "Second Grandma" almost caused Feng Qingxue internal injuries. Is she already that old?

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