Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1734 I have a son in my family 1

Lu Tianjuan and Jiang Xiaoyue are both adults and have married and started a business. They naturally have their own life plans. Feng Qingxue said nothing more, but she felt sorry for Jiang Xiaoyue's injury, which was not a minor injury.

Jiang Xiaoyue didn't care. The moment she saved people, she knew what consequences she would bear.

Even if she retires, she is still worthy of this military uniform.

After talking about the cold weather, Jiang Xiaoyue hurriedly asked the orderlies and nannies to cook and clean the room, making arrangements in an orderly manner.

After dinner in the evening, she was very considerate and left the elderly and children to rest at home. She pushed Feng Qingxue to Lu Jiang's side, winked and said: "Uncle, my room can't be accommodated. You can take aunt to your place to rest." , Grandpa, three grandpas, three grandma and a few children are staying here with me, so you just have to rest assured.”

Lu Erxiong opened his mouth. He was about to say that he would sleep with his parents, but Zhuang Zhuang immediately covered his mouth and gave him a warning look. He swallowed the words in frustration.

Zhuangzhuang released his hand and waved to his parents, "Dad, mom, see you tomorrow!"

Lu Jiang pulled Feng Qingxue out of Jiang's house without hesitation, leaving the guards far behind.

At that time, the night was very dark and the stars were shining like bright diamonds inlaid on an endless piece of black satin, doing their best to set off a bright moon. It was foreseeable that the weather would be good tomorrow.

Silver light poured down, allowing the couple to clearly see each other's voices and smiles.

Feng Qingxue took a long breath and said, "Every day I'm either working or having children. We've been apart for another seven or eight months. It's really been a long time since we've been together. This sudden situation makes me feel a little uncomfortable."

Lu Jiang said seriously: "This shows that you have greatly ignored me for the sake of work and children."

"You!" Feng Qingxue glared at him, looked back at the two guards, compared the distance, and felt that they couldn't hear their husband and wife's conversation, so she spoke again and whispered: "You think I am Don’t want to be by your side for the rest of my life? If possible, I would love to be with you day and night, never leaving you.”

Her skin is still fair and smooth, like condensed fat like snow jade, her face is still beautiful and charming, like flowers and pearls, her bright eyes and white teeth are far more beautiful than the moonlight.

Lu Jiang's heart beat so fast that it almost jumped out of his chest.

He pressed his heart, but he couldn't stop his beating heart. After seeing her again after a long separation, he felt the same throb as when he saw his wife for the first time, and said hoarsely: "Then why are you still standing?"

Feng Qingxue naturally understood what he meant and held his arm, "A person of such an age is not afraid of being seen laughing at us!"

Lu Jiang sighed, really hoping that this period of catastrophe would end soon.

Husband and wife are the closest people in the world, but they must always pay attention to the eyes of outsiders. The slightest intimate actions or words are like committing a heinous crime. The higher the position, the more people are in the spotlight, and the more cautious they need to be. .

Therefore, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue quickened their pace and arrived at their residence. Finally, they no longer had to bathe in the gaze of the guards.

The August day was still a bit hot, and he was sweating after a busy day. Lu Jiang locked the door, adjusted the warm bath water, poured it into the bathtub that Feng Qingxue took out from the space, and urged: "You take a bath first. "Relax, relax, I'll press your shoulders to see if there's something wrong with your muscles. Are you too busy to take care of your body?"

Feng Qingxue rubbed the muscles on both sides of his neck. He didn't even notice it, it was really stiff.

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