Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1736 I have a son in my family 3

Feng Qingxue was just thinking about whether to go to Jiang's house to have a meal or go to the cafeteria to settle the matter, when she saw Xibao coming.

"Mom, my sister-in-law asked me to call you home for dinner."

Xibao is already half a head taller than his mother. Feng Qingxue has to raise her eyes to talk to him. Without him, the original owner was malnourished when he was young. When he was eighteen, he was only 1.56 meters tall. He was short and thin. Feng Qingxue was still the same. After time travel, I worked hard to replenish my nutrition. Before my height was finalized, I increased six to seven centimeters. Now I am only 1.62 meters. Fortunately, I enlarged the size of my clothes when I made them.

Xibao lowered his head and saw the envious look on his mother's face and her height-comparing gesture. After thinking for a moment, he understood. He immediately couldn't laugh or cry, "Mom, you can grow taller if you eat more at noon."

Feng Qingxue patted his arm, "Do you think I'm a child? Wouldn't it be a joke to grow up at such an old age?"

Xibao put his arms around her shoulders and said, "Even if you don't grow taller, you still have to eat. Mom, let's go. Your eldest son is cooking today and has cooked several dishes. Come and review them."

Feng Qingxue said happily: "My son cooks vegetables, and I can eat half a bowl of rice more."

"Only half a bowl? Shouldn't it be two more bowls of rice?"

"You want to push me to death? You evil boy." Feng Qingxue reproached, but could not hide the look of relief on her face, "Others live frugally and eat according to the amount every day. I eat two more bowls. I suffer, and so do others. It would feel unfair.”

Xibao whispered: "When will the planned economy be abolished?"

Feng Qingxue was stunned, and quickly looked around, and found that no one was passing by, so she gently squeezed his arm, "Why are you saying these words? If someone hears it, you will definitely get into big trouble. Why do you think so?"

Xibao sighed: "In the past two years, I have carefully observed that it is harmful and useless to continue. Without abolishing the planned economy, it is impossible to promote economic development and improve the fighting spirit of all walks of life. Continuing to engage in collective production will only make most of the Some farmers are cheating and cheating. Our brigade is so strict that we can’t prevent this from happening. The grain output of our private plots has always been higher than that of the collective.”

"Don't say this in front of outsiders, and don't reveal even a single word." However, when her son mentioned this, Feng Qingxue also thought of the situation in her hometown and asked, "How is our brigade's harvest this year? Let's throw it away." Fertilizer.”

Xibao perked up and said, "Mom, chemical fertilizer is indeed a good thing. The yield of crops that are sprinkled with chemical fertilizer has almost doubled. Before others could react, my uncle and grandpa organized people to buy chemical fertilizer during his busy schedule. , the note should be approved by my godfather, who is now the second-in-command in Huaihai City. If chemical fertilizers can be promoted and grain production can be increased, the current situation will definitely be alleviated. "

Feng Qingxue was also very happy, "That's good, that's good, food is the main thing."

Although some people say that grains sprinkled with chemical fertilizers have consequences, and the decline of the Chinese people's physical condition is obvious to all, but in the face of hunger, who cares about this? Eating a full meal with an open belly is everyone’s dream nowadays.

"With grandpa's permission, I wrote to the old leader grandpa specifically mentioning this matter. Grandpa wrote back to me and said that he was going to take this matter up for a meeting and that a fertilizer plant would be built in the future." Xibao was beaming, "The benefits It’s huge. When a fertilizer factory is established, many jobs can be created, and the fertilizer produced can increase food production, and the subsequent benefits will be endless.”

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