After all, Su Jiaojiao was young, had not practiced well, and did not have the look to give in immediately after being rejected.

She was used to being willful, and she usually spoke and acted on her own terms, only following her own will, so she stood in front of Feng Qingxue and refused to give way. She suddenly flashed her watery red phoenix eyes and said to Feng Qingxue affectionately: "Auntie, I see I feel friendly when I see you, can I go back with you? I like to play with brother Tianmao."

A pair of eyes were still on Xibao, making no secret of his thoughts.

She is very smart and knows how to show off her own strengths. Although she is coquettishly demanding, she is very generous and generous, making people think she is a beautiful and cute girl, and they cannot bear to refuse any of her requests.

When Fu Bao saw this scene and listened to her words, he almost became angry to death.

Su Jiaojiao sarcastically said to herself in the morning, now she is targeting her brother, she must have bad intentions!

In the past few days when Fu Bao came to the compound, he had heard others say several times when chatting with Jiang Xiaoyue, saying that Su Jiaojiao likes all the boys to obey her orders, and whoever disobeys will be isolated from everyone. he. Not only that, she would also let everyone isolate girls of the same age who she disliked, making that girl unwilling to even go to school or leave the house.

The girl's mother came to borrow something and complained to Jiang Xiaoyue about this matter. Fu Bao happened to be nearby and listened attentively. However, he had no conflicts with Su Jiaojiao before this morning, and he returned soon. Wucheng troops, so I didn't take it to heart.

Sensing the anger on her daughter's face, Feng Qingxue squeezed her hand, not wanting her to get involved.

"Mom!" Fu Bao called.

Only then did Su Jiaojiao notice Fubao following Feng Qingxue, and couldn't help but widen her eyes. His eyes swept back and forth between her, Feng Qingxue, and Xibao's faces, and finally landed on Xibao's face. "Brother Tianmao, is she your sister?"

Xibao frowned slightly and said calmly: "Please give in!"

Feng Qingxue did not respond to Su Jiaojiao's request, and Xibao did not answer her question.

"I'll go with you, I'll go to your house to play." Su Jiaojiao did not apologize to Fubao at all, she made the request confidently, and at the same time said with a smile: "Brother Tianmao, there is nothing in the compound that I don't know , I’ll help you integrate into our compound.”

Xibao said coldly: "No need!"

For the sake of Mr. Su, boys of the same age saw that Su Jiaojiao was beautiful, so they gave way to her and respected her from top to bottom, which developed her arrogant, domineering and willful character. However, Xibao He would not condone her, not to mention her sister's expression was different from usual. It seemed that something happened that she didn't know about, and it was related to Su Jiaojiao in front of her.

Although he has lived in his hometown for many years and only spends a few months each year with his siblings, Xibao loves them more than anyone else and does not allow anyone to make them feel wronged.

The originally handsome and gentle boy had a cold expression on his face, giving him a different air of aura.

In Su Jiaojiao's opinion, it was even more beautiful.

Su Jiaojiao hated others rejecting her the most in her life, but in front of Xibao, she didn't lose her temper like before. Instead, she stamped her feet and said coquettishly: "Brother Tianmao, I am Su Jiaojiao!"

So what if it was Su Jiaojiao? Could it be that everyone would accommodate her?

Xibao snorted softly and turned away without hesitation, not bothering to argue with him, and said to Feng Qingxue: "Mom, let's go. Chenchen went back with grandpa and Ye Yan. I don't know if I cried."

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