Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1778 Returning with a Full Load 1

Watching the train carrying the elderly, children and orderlies slowly leaving, Lu Jiang, who was dressed in casual clothes, asked Ye Qianqian and the guards and driver to drive back first, while he found Aunt Liao with the packed cotton-padded clothes and bedding and Feng Qingxue, who was also dressed in casual clothes. .

Halfway through the journey, Feng Qingxue took out some rice noodles from the space and put them in the backpack.

Mrs. Liao's children and grandchildren were unfilial and lived alone, which made it easier for them to visit.

There are ruthless people in the world, and there are also people who value love and righteousness. For people like Aunt Liao, the couple has great respect.

"For the young lady and the young master?" Looking at the pair of men and women who were made in heaven in front of her, when Aunt Liao recognized Feng Qingxue, she couldn't help but have a strange look on her face, thinking that she had heard something wrong.

At this time, someone is actually willing to approach them?

Her old lady was incompetent and had watched the young lady and the young master suffer for seven or eight years, but no one was willing to treat them kindly. Even those who had been favored by the Deng family avoided them.

A soft smile appeared on the corner of Feng Qingxue's mouth, and she pointed at her husband, "He is Deng Nan's comrade. After learning what happened to Hong Ling and Xiao Wu, he immediately contacted other comrades to find out the whereabouts of Deng Nan. But it is not convenient for us to come forward. "I'm worried that Hong Ling and Xiao Wu will find too much stuff in their house and they can't explain the source, so they can only ask Auntie to come up with a reason."

Aunt Liao's attention was attracted by her words, and she said hastily: "You said there is news about the eldest young master? How is the eldest young master's situation? Damn it, Zhang Rong betrayed the eldest young master without telling him, and even stabbed the eldest young master hard. , it’s like a stab in my heart.”

Lu Jiang said warmly: "Don't be anxious. I've asked before and everything is fine with Deng Nan. It's just that he works hard and his food and clothing are not that good."

The people who were sent to the farms all had the same lack of food and clothing, and were extremely hard-working.

According to Zhao Anbang, Deng Nan's situation is not bad, because Deng Nan is in the prime of life and has the strength to work, while his old boss and people like Mr. Zhao are old and frail, and have really suffered a lot.

Aunt Liao cried with joy, "It's good to live, it's good to live. The eldest young master has been pampered since he was a child. Where has he ever suffered? He is passionate and wants to join the army to fight. The master has no choice but to agree and give all his property. It's so easy to work hard." After finding a future, New China was founded, and the family lived in peace and stability for more than ten years, who would have thought that such a despicable and shameless bitch like Zhang Rong would appear, causing the eldest young master and his wife to be separated, and the young master and the young lady suffered a lot. The lady even lost one of her legs and her face was disfigured.”

Feng Qingxue handed the handkerchief to the old man to wipe his tears, "Everything will pass. Don't be too sad."

"I have taken care of the young master and the young lady. Can I not be sad to see them in such a state?" Aunt Liao wiped away her tears and took Feng Qingxue's hand, "Daughter, I will give you an eyelash." I can see at a glance that you are capable. The fact that you came here at this time shows that you are kind and kind. Just leave the things to me. I will deliver them all to the young lady and the young master. Why don't you two give them to the young lady personally? You are the eldest young master’s comrade-in-arms, and I will definitely be happy to see you.”

Seeing all the doubts on Aunt Liao's face, Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "Of course we can deliver the things to them personally, but there are many people and we think we should be careful."

No one was watching when she came into contact with Deng Hongling a few days ago, but that doesn't mean there won't be any in the future.

In this era, many neighbors are born with a pair of eagle eyes and a dog nose. There are not many people who report strangers who come into contact with people with bad ingredients or smell a bit of meat.

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