As soon as he finished speaking, Fubao made a serious protest.

"Mom, you didn't even pay for the shoes I bought, why are you buying them for Brother Ye Yan and his brothers now? It's not fair." If she could save the money for shoes, she would buy other things besides buying them for Liu Baozhu and Liu Baozhu. Wang Zhonghua bought gifts, and she also wanted to buy something for each of her parents to thank them for their upbringing and education.

The abacus was clicking, but it was a pity that Feng Qingxue did not answer the question with a smile.

She knew that the boys in her family were not used to wearing leather shoes and thought they were worn by adults. Sure enough, the four children shook their heads at the same time, "No leather shoes, we don't wear leather shoes, and we are not as warm as cotton shoes."

They are now wearing black corduroy five-eye cotton shoes made by the grandmothers at home, but they are not as particular about good looks as Fu Bao.

Lu Erxiong echoed Ye Yan's words with a smile and said, "Mom, if you buy me some pull-back shoes, I will definitely want them. The uppers of the sneakers you bought me last time were rotten. Grandma Xu patched them up for me. They look ugly."

Feng Qingxue focused her eyes on the white sneakers next to her and poked his forehead, "I have a good sense and know that leather shoes are not convenient for you to exercise. Comrade salesperson, please bring us six pairs of jialai sneakers, one for girls and one for boys. "Five pairs." At the same time, he reported his shoe size, including Xibao, and planned to send it back to his hometown together with the study materials.

When buying things for the younger ones, of course you can’t leave behind the older ones who haven’t been around for a long time.

Ye Yan shook his head hurriedly and said: "Aunt Lu, don't listen to Er Xiong. We all have shoes. Aunt He asked the Red Army brother to buy them for us and send them to Wanglou Brigade. It was in autumn and they were not worn out. They were worn out. It’s from last year.”

Dundun and Zhuangzhuang don't want them either, Zhuangzhuang is even more upright, "I don't like running and jumping, what kind of sneakers should I buy?"

"I already bought leather shoes, so I don't want sneakers." Fubao followed.

The salesperson said impatiently: "Do you still want it? If not, just get out of the way and let others buy it."

"Of course." Lu Erxiong said first, then turned to Feng Qingxue and said: "Mom, a gentleman's word is hard to follow. You must not break your promise. You have reported your shoe size to the saleswoman."

Feng Qingxue hummed, nodded to the salesperson, and bought six pairs of Jai Alai sneakers.

Jai-alai sneakers are originally produced in Shanghai and are almost popular all over the country. They are indeed the favorite of many children.

"You can wear them even if you don't like running and jumping. No one stipulates that buying sneakers must be used for sports." Feng Qingxue touched the tops of Dundun and Zhuangzhuang's heads respectively, especially the younger son, who was more than one inch thinner than his two brothers. Number.

Only then did Zhuang Zhuang smile. "I want to buy a harmonica. Brother, an educated youth, plays the harmonica very well."

"Okay! Let's go see the musical instruments."

Lu Erxiong followed behind and shouted: "Let's go see the toys first. I want to buy a small tank and a small plane. My brother said that airplane models are popular now."

The brothers he mentioned were the kids he played with in the army, and a few of them would correspond with him.

They walked away while talking, ignoring Su Jiaojiao who was so angry that she exploded.

For some people, the more you care about them, the more they like to push your nose and face.

Ignoring it is the best way.

The place selling musical instruments was upstairs, so they went directly to the stairs and walked up.

Zhuang Zhuang pointed to his head, "Is there something wrong with her? Or is she pretending to be stupid? She came to find trouble for no reason. We are not angry, but she is almost angry to death."

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