"What did you say? Impossible!" Lu Zhaodi straightened her upper body and shouted, her eyes turning red.

It was relatively hot during the day, and she was working hard to give birth to a baby. Her hair was soaked with sweat, and strands stuck to her scalp and cheeks. At this moment, Lu Zhaodi still had the bloody smell of postpartum, and she looked particularly embarrassed.

She yelled, making the baby girl cry even harder.

Guo Xiuying rolled her eyes at her with a very ugly look on her face, "Whether it's a son or a daughter, isn't it just a piece of flesh that fell off your body? Can I still coax you? How many times have I told you that the publicity team is also looking for you? Have we talked? Women hold up half the sky, the old leader said, don’t have any more feudal ideas that favor boys over girls!”

Lu Zhaodi rolled her eyelids, leaned back, and fainted immediately.

Guo Xiuying and Du Xiaotao looked at each other and continued their work. One cleaned Lu Zhaodi's placenta and other things after delivery, and the other bathed and swaddled the baby girl. Fortunately, Lu Zhaodi believed that she could give birth to a son and had all the things she needed after delivery. He was very considerate and did not let the girl be born without anything to wear.

"Where's Jin Hong?" Guo Xiuying checked Lu Zhaodi's condition and found that she fainted just because she couldn't bear the blow.

Du Xiaotao curled his lips while placing the baby girl on the kang, "Sister-in-law, are you asking me? Who should I ask? Anyway, I know that Director Jin should not be on duty today. Logically speaking, he should be at home."

Du Xiaotao gets angry when he mentions Jin Hong.

What Wang Baozhu and Cao Hongzhu did was disgusting, but their husbands took responsibility for it anyway. Zhu Rong and his family were stationed at the outpost and have not left the mountain yet. Li Shuitian also formally apologized to Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue and visited their homes in person, but the latter did not accept it. That’s it.

On the other hand, Jin Hong is like a deaf and blind man, unable to see or hear, and his wife was born prematurely and cannot see him.

"What a pity, Jin Zhaodi." Du Xiaotao sighed. He had to take care of housework at such a young age, and his mother was born prematurely. It was she who ran to find Guo Xiuying, and wisely did not go to Feng Qingxue, who was closer.

Jin Zhaodi, who thought she was going to play with Ding Lanlan, stood by the door and said timidly: "Dad hasn't been back for a long time."

Guo Xiuying and Du Xiaotao were stunned at the same time, and turned to look at Jin Zhaodi, whose eyes couldn't help but drift towards their sister.

"Zhao Di, you said your father hasn't been back for a long time? Since when did he not come back?" The military camp and the family area are next to each other. If you are willing, you can go back and forth dozens of times a day.

Jin Zhaodi answered Guo Xiuying: "When Qi Xiang's mother and Aunt Hongzhu were arguing."

Guo Xiuying frowned, pulled Jin Zhaodi to the edge of the kang, pointed at the infant girl and said to her: "Zhaodi, this is your sister, the person you are closest to. You have to take good care of your sister. What will happen to you in the future? The difficulty is to find me.”

Lu Zhaodi was eager to have a son, so she would definitely not be able to take good care of her little daughter. She could only count on the young Jin Zhaodi.

Jin Zhaodi touched her sister's cheek, grinned, her black and red face was full of excitement, "Sister, I have a sister. If I take her to play with her in the future and don't play with others, my mother won't hit me, right?" "

Guo Xiuying and Du Xiaotao were stunned. They looked down and saw the bruise behind Jin Zhaodi's ear.

Du Xiaotao immediately stretched out his hand to roll up Jin Zhaodi's long sleeves, his eyes flashing with the same anger as Guo Xiuying, because Jin Zhaodi's arms were covered with new injuries caused by old injuries, either pinched or burned, and with rolling pins and the like. The traces of things being pulled out are shocking.

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