Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 812 Collection of letters and books 1

As soon as Feng Qingxue sent the things out, she received letters and things from others.

It was Lu Shaonong and Lin Yufen who sent some specialties from their hometown and the capital. The others were all books, most of them were classics, and a small part were enlightenment books. They were all thread-bound books, with some engraved editions and some manuscripts. , very old.

Although they are not unique copies, some of them can be called treasures, especially after the cultural classics suffered a disaster.

Feng Qingxue loved his son like a treasure and put the books into the space after his son was asleep, leaving only two or three enlightenment books such as the Three-Character Classic of Hundreds of Surnames and the Thousand-Character Essay outside.

Calculating the time, there was less than a year left before the cultural catastrophe that lasted for ten years. Feng Qingxue specifically reminded Lu Shaonong and Lin Yufen in the letter sent by Cui Shaoyuan to hide their belongings in case of unexpected events.

Because Feng Qingxue remembered very clearly that one of the records about Lu Shaonong and Lin Yufen was that all the books, calligraphy and paintings and other precious cultural assets collected by the two were burned in front of their eyes, that is, in the yard of their home. It was really burned to the ground, no one fished in troubled waters, and there are many unique and authentic works among them.

The letter was written to Lin Yufen, who is both a lesbian. It is easier for them to communicate with each other, but it would not look good if it was written to Lu Shaonong.

After thanking Cui Shaoyuan for delivering the letter, Lin Yufen opened the letter and showed it to Lu Shaonong after reading it. "Lao Lu, although it's not obvious, I can see Qingxue's meaning. What do you think?"

Feng Qingxue wrote in an extremely cryptic way. She only asked about the intensive wind and rain in summer. I wonder if the books in the house are safe? The next sentence is "It is often said that the sixth day of June is the Book Exhibition Festival. What if there is a storm while doing the book exposition?"

Lin Yufen was so smart and keenly sensed the implication.

Lu Shaonong read it word for word and said in deep thought: "This Comrade Cui is a high-level cadre that we usually have no contact with. He delivers letters for Qingxue, which shows that Qingxue's connections should not be underestimated. Although we only work with the three of Qingxue's mothers We have only been in contact for a few days, but Qingxue is not someone who makes suggestions without reason. Therefore, I think Qingxue may have heard some rumors and told us in advance that the atmosphere in the capital is not quite right these days, but I can't say. Come."

"You mean to listen to Qingxue?" Lin Yufen asked.

"Nip it in the bud!" Lu Shaonong was more decisive, "It took the couple of us most of our lives and efforts to collect so many books, calligraphy and paintings. Which one is not a priceless treasure? If it is even slightly damaged, I will feel distressed for a long time. , If there is a big storm and I get soaked, won’t I lose my life?”

Lin Yufen nodded, "That's right. We are well-known collectors. We usually have scholars talking and laughing at home, but no white people come and go. Isn't it just for our books, calligraphy and paintings? It's not surprising at all to be targeted. ”

The old couple thought that someone was eyeing their collection and wanted to take it for themselves by any means necessary.

"But, where can we hide?" Lin Yufen asked.

Lu Shaonong scratched the top of his head, "Our family has two or three rooms filled with books, calligraphy and paintings. Hiding them all would definitely arouse suspicion, and there would be no place to hide them. Otherwise, we can pick out particularly precious books, calligraphy and paintings and put them in boxes, and then Buried underground."

"Aren't you afraid of getting wet and getting eaten by insects?" Lin Yufen rolled her eyes at him.

The two of them took care of their books, calligraphy and paintings very carefully. The most fearful thing about books, calligraphy and paintings is moisture and insect infestation. If they are buried underground without sunlight, they will soon turn into a pile of waste paper.

"What should we do?"

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