"Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue, go to my house and see the little stone. My stomach hurts so bad that I'm rolling all over the floor!" As soon as Huang Xiuzhi entered the door, she went to hold Feng Qingxue's hand, regardless of whether there were guests in the Lu family.

Feng Qingxue got off the kang without saying anything, "Xiao Tao, take care of the child for me."

Taking the first aid kit, I followed Huang Xiuzhi to the house where their family lived. Small stones were rolling on the ground, my hands were pressing on my stomach, and my body was covered with sweat, tears and dust.

"Aunt Xue, help me!" Xiao Shitou's eyes lit up when he saw Feng Qingxue's figure.

Feng Qingxue came closer to check and said to Xiao Shitou: "Auntie will give you a candy. After eating it, it will be fine in a day."

"Can sugar cure diseases?" Xiao Shitou asked despite his stomachache.

"Of course, this is not an ordinary candy." It is Pagoda candy, which she accidentally encountered for sale in her previous life. Based on her childhood memories, and because Pagoda candy was eliminated in the 1980s, she has been watching it for a long time. There was no trace of them, so she bought a lot of them and put them in her room. They were roundworm repellent and intestinal worm cleanser.

Now, pagoda candy is suitable for the current era.

However, although the shape and effect of the pagoda candy she bought were the same, and it could kill insects, the ingredients were different. The original pagoda candy ingredient was Shandaonian, which was mainly extracted from a roundworm plant, which became extinct in the 1980s.

However, after she studied medicine, she asked her comrade Lu Jiang to collect some Artemisia roundworm seeds and store them in the space for emergencies.

I just got it this year and sent several bottles in the mail.

Taking out a light yellow, pagoda-shaped candy from the first aid kit, Feng Qingxue stuffed it into Little Shitou's mouth, "Eat it, go take a shower after eating, tidy up a little, and you'll be fine tomorrow."

Huang Xiuzhi suddenly realized, "Is there a worm in Xiao Shitou's belly?"

"Insects?" Little Shitou was so frightened that even though he was no longer a child, he couldn't help crying loudly. "There are worms in my stomach? No wonder the bites hurt so much! How can I get them out?"

Although Xiao Shitou cried miserably, Feng Qingxue didn't know why she just wanted to laugh.

Huang Xiuzhi patted him on the head and said, "You will pull out the worm tomorrow after eating the pagoda candy!"

"Pull it out?" Xiao Shitou stuttered and repeated.

"You ate it when you were a kid, have you forgotten? That's right, you have no memory, you must have forgotten!" Huang Xiuying wanted to twist his ears, but when she saw that he was in severe pain, she put down her hands, "I told you many times , We must pay attention to hygiene, why don’t you listen? It’s because you don’t pay attention to hygiene that you will get worms in your stomach!”

"Okay, okay, sister-in-law, the little stone hurts so pitifully. Just stop scolding him and just pay attention to it in the future. This disease is not necessarily caused by lack of hygiene, but also because there are insect eggs in the vegetables we eat." Vegetables grow luxuriantly only when irrigated with water!

Little Shitou licked his mouth, "It's sweet and delicious. Aunt Xue, please give me another one!"

Feng Qingxue patted him on the head, "Next time you go to my house, I'll treat you to high-grade toffee. This is medicine, don't take it randomly, and I don't have a lot, so I have to leave it to those in need."

Ascariasis is a very popular disease in this era, and the only solution is pagoda sugar.

Unfortunately, the artemisia grown in Shandao has faced extinction in China several times, and the artemisia grown in Lu Di this year with great difficulty will suffer the catastrophe of ten years when it matures, and will eventually become completely extinct.

There was no room for Feng Qingxue to sigh, she had to go back and take care of her two precious children.

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